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Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(May 16, 2005)
Grid nose with stupid smile. |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(May 10, 2005)
Another Hess like piece.
davincipoppalag (May 10, 2005)
This one is terrific.. Great style.
Xodiak (May 11, 2005)
Great anatomy study! Haha, I thought exactly what Maiko said when I saw this drawing for the first time. He looks like trying to poo desperately. >:)Very great and artistic drawing. >:D |XOD| |
(May 10, 2005)
When a pill isn't enough.
TheCrimsonKing (May 10, 2005)
wow, that's a clean burst. Love those teeth.
solve (May 10, 2005)
you bastard. showing up 2draw with your overly-impressive art and talent. think youre big time Mr. showboat?well youre not. i saw a monkey from nasa draw this before, you obviously copied. think that makes you cool? it doesnt. try dmt, or meo. that will help what ever it is bothering you. or at least distract you.
Xodiak (May 10, 2005)
It reminds me of a movie called Funnyman. There was a man in which the top half oh his head exploded. Great drawing! >:)|XOD|
Kloxboy (May 10, 2005)
Solve:Copy? Showboat? Cool? I drew this head with eyes but the eyes sucked so I just cut off the top half, so there you have it. Look at it, you can tell by the clean cut. I like the idea, I'd like to see other versions of this idea if you have links, Solve. This definitely reminds me of several anime films I've seen. |
(May 10, 2005)
I imagine I could do better with traditional media. Staci did a great job drawing Hess, thought I'd try. Bah!
Xodiak (May 10, 2005)
Very spooky! <:D|XOD|
staci (May 10, 2005)
hi. you suck. : )
davincipoppalag (May 10, 2005)
Lol staci... hehe I don't know Hess, but I like these pictures you two say are like Hess. |
(May 9, 2005)
Man eating horse from Denver.
Anna (May 9, 2005)
Lately here it seems like there's a gazillion horse pictures posted daily, but this one I like :-) It's awesome, Clox.
friend (May 9, 2005)
Woah, sweetshading!
Childlike_Vampire (May 10, 2005)
I love the color (yay red), and perspective, and the sense of movement. He looks like he's comin' right at ya. Very nice way of making him look evil without being obvious. Cool drawing.
HunterKiller_ (May 10, 2005)
Demonic horses are just so cool. This one is sweet. I want one, provided it doesn't eat me. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(May 6, 2005)
He's all sad about it
TaCO (May 6, 2005)
He looks like he goes to work on Monday everyday.
Hopeless (May 6, 2005)
wow, cool lines nice shading :D
plasma_ooganator (May 8, 2005)
AAAAAAAAAH! *dies* *comes back to life* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *dies* *comes back to life* AAAA- wait a second. hes cute. come here booga booga. your so cute! yes you are!good job!
featherstone (May 8, 2005)
he should be happy.. he has very attractive eye sockets |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(May 6, 2005)
Der sprockets!
featherstone (May 6, 2005)
is this an original Clox character?
Kloxboy (edited May 6, 2005)
Sorta, note the "ala Space Monkey". Come to think of it that's probably a loaded question..... which is just splendid. :)
davincipoppalag (May 6, 2005)
Hmm Clox is in a drawing frenzy.. I'm gonna watch this! |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
– latest 4:
Xodiak (May 6, 2005)
Nice face. >:)|XOD|
Punky (May 6, 2005)
i love the colors. this is very style-isied.
friend (May 6, 2005)
I like his side-burns.
davincipoppalag (May 6, 2005)
Josh Jr, eh..what's the old man look like? |
(May 1, 2005)
Conan on PCP?
davincipoppalag (May 1, 2005)
Clox is amazing..once again.. nobody does these like you do.. Hell. nobody does these at all!
Punky (May 1, 2005)
this is amazing. reminds me of those caricatures that you get from people in malls who follaw you around drawing you.lovely shading and lineart.
Xodiak (May 4, 2005)
It looks like a leprechaun gigolo. Hehe, very nice caricature! >:D|XOD|
emmamommalag (May 4, 2005)
Ewww, he's creepy looking but that's a great drawing. |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(May 1, 2005)
Suck, lick, pinch, yummy!
Xodiak (May 1, 2005)
Nobody told Xod that Sloth has a sister! I am always the last person to learn these... She is so sexy! I want to pet her big chubby belly! >:DGreat drawing Cloxman! >:) |XOD|
Punky (May 1, 2005)
thats funny...:) i love how you drew the muscles and how you can tell shes got a big tummy because of the folds and whatnot in her dress.
Miss_DJ (May 2, 2005)
is her name Pat? she could be a boy or girl...and soooo a-ah-attractive... |
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