Grain Valley, MO
Date of Birth:
May 17th, 2004 (20)
Jul 5, 2004
Last Access:
Dec 22, 2008 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing a stinky snake sneezing, in the name of all things good, right now? Or a president? Or a striped democrat squishing a squash? Or a confusing pumpkin running into a river graphically? Or some excellent green chile saying, "all your base are belong to us", in the name of justice? Or a bloated sharp blunt object sneezing? |
::waves timidly at Jack:: Heya stranger. Nice to see ya! I browsed through your gallery and I think...
Jul 14, 2004 |
Thank you, poppalag! I was trying to figure out how people got their lines so smooth! When I get a m...
Jul 14, 2004 |
Beautiful! I love the stark contrast of the sail-thingie on the sailboat-thingie. The bright colors ...
Jul 13, 2004 |
Wow, I'm amazed. I even *hate* chocolate but this draw made my mouth water! Amazing job. Now, I'm of...
Jul 13, 2004 |