Date of Birth:
May 19, 2002
Last Access:
May 20, 2002 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing a rabid dog, right now? Or a house squishing a dinosaur? Or an entire billiard ball rushing a tasty chicken? Or a dork saying, "to be or to eat cheese"? Or a fat musical instrument skimming with a cute boat? Or a definitely dead airplane pushing an English girl that's hardly worth looking at? |
lol i love it!! It's a pretty good summary of my life :)
May 19, 2002 |
Ahhh!! Im afriad of little bunnies.
May 19, 2002 |
It's cute :)
May 19, 2002 |