Date of Birth:
October 5th, 1984 (40)
Mar 18, 2002
Last Access:
Jun 4, 2002 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing a fruitless robber saying, "to be or not to be", right now? Or a sleeping car squishing a horseshoe at lightning speeds? Or an unclad princess? Or a turtle saying, "I AM TEH BEST"? Or a mexican walking on a Brazillian pyromaniac? Or a thirsty pyromaniac saying, "all your base are belong to us", with dignity? |
WHOOOO! Jackie Chan Adventures is one of the best cartoons in existance at the moment! Oonnnneee mor...
Apr 6, 2002 |
inhumanly good o____o
Darnit, share your skill with us all! ;)
Mar 20, 2002 |