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Public Boards/Beginner 
Priszcilla (May 19, 2007)
cat's best treat
4 comments – latest 4:
Hyde676 (May 19, 2007)
Reminds me of Egypt. xD Gotta love the coloring. *_*
Kloxboy (May 19, 2007)
That's cute as ever. Very cool piece.
Sweetcell (May 19, 2007)
Ooh, pretty.
davincipoppalag (May 19, 2007)
I knew this had to be one of yours...always so well done
drawn in 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Onlyslightlydead (Apr 30, 2007)
I'm having a really bad day. Not going to a concert that I've been planning for months and I just...God, I dunno.
2 comments – latest 3:
Hyde676 (Apr 30, 2007)
Ugh. Bad day too.
Its especially bad when your friends and family don't do shit about it. XD
Onlyslightlydead (May 6, 2007)
drawn in 20 min
Completely redone.
JK-Arts (May 6, 2007)
I tried to hook up with this beuatiful nieghbor of mine, she hooked up with her Ex few days ago (Damnit). I'm alone.
I went to work at 3 30pm they said i was sceduled at 10am. "No call no show" Is what they say "Honest mistake" is what i said
So i went home and there was no-one there(no key) so i was locked out from 4pm untill 10pm 30minutes ago. The girl i tried to hook up with and her EX. Had the keys they used to live here. They are nice people.
I need a girlfriend i'm so.......... How was your day?
drawn in 27 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
PeachBum (Apr 10, 2007)
Hmm... It's a character I made up a long time ago and always liked her attitude. The necklace is supposed to be the source of her power... (I know, lame! But I made it up when I was like, 12?) I think her legs look chunky compared to the rest of her body. Critiques welcome. NOTE: My real duration time was about 25mins.
Now that I look back on this it almost looks like she's a man. Like you know, those pretty anime men? Weird.
6 comments – latest 4:
DoOp (edited Apr 10, 2007)
Nice drawing =] I would love to see colour in your works ;)
Hyde676 (Apr 10, 2007)
Oh please, guys. ._.
It is a really good pic. ^_^
But its the amount of effort and the time spent also that decides what board it should be on. >3>
absolutindigo (Apr 10, 2007)
uuuh i love this one, its really nice.
Sweetcell (Apr 10, 2007)
Fair enough sketch but I hope you put a bit more into it. Her arms seems far too long, her hands are too small and her body seems too big for her head. Oveall a decnt picture. Welcome PB.
drawn in 14 sec with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Lalai (Dec 30, 2006)
To be finished later on a different computer.
2 comments – latest 3:
Hyde676 (Mar 7, 2007)
*waves* XDDD <3
Lalai (Mar 10, 2007)
drawn in 2 min
Trying to get back in the habit.
resident-bishounen (Mar 12, 2007)
Looks good. I like the shading on the shirt.
drawn in 9 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Lark (Feb 28, 2007)
"Ew. What are those pimply things on your face?"

In fact, Lark is terrible with watercolors. And time is not right.
And another fact, those pimply things are like... multiple eyes.
5 comments – latest 4:
xiau (Feb 28, 2007)
Tenko's so cute :B
This picture makes me happy 8D Ueki's expression is like, adorable.
Hyde676 (Mar 1, 2007)
gasp I love law of ueki XD
Hagaren (Mar 1, 2007)
Ueki doesn't get enough love. :<
This is AWESOME. You should draw Sano, or maybe Robert. :'D
You did a great job! <3
SoraItachi (Mar 2, 2007)
You are not terrible with watercolors. D: The coloring in his hair is awesome. <3
Too much green today... my sweater, a pencil, and a pin that says "go asian"... xD
drawn in 1 hour 15 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
Moosh (Sep 19, 2006)
crap, i hit the size limit...

edit: well i asked for more space.
Here's the orginial photo if any of you want to look. My sister took it.
59 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Dec 20, 2017)
front page
elly (Dec 21, 2017)
The clarity in this piece is unreal!! Even more focus than a camera! Love it!!
davincipoppalag (Aug 17, 2018)
Moosh did great stuff
Lily-Rose (Mar 16, 2019)
very nice... beautiful
drawn in 14 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Jan 18, 2007)
it's a beautiful thing.
5 comments – latest 4:
Hope4 (Jan 18, 2007)
fuckin computers....sometimes i wish i could massacre mine
Caddris (Jan 18, 2007)
Oh, massacring computers is easy, it's fixing them up again that's the hard part.
Hyde676 (Jan 18, 2007)
Geeze, mine said something like that today. -_-
I love my computer but I think I need a new one. T_T; reformatted it like tons of times already but it's still having problems.
marcello (Jan 18, 2007)
you know science would say maybe you're the one having problems, not the computer.
drawn in 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Dak-sama (Jan 5, 2007)
Just a quick sketch to get the feel of Shi again. n_n She doesn't have a name yet, but she is a fan character of mine for Dina Situ's 'Pandect'. ^___^, Yep...I RP a woman...xD;
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Jan 5, 2007)
Hyde676 (Jan 5, 2007)
Ooh I know Pandect. 0:
broken-lock14 (Jan 6, 2007)
=^>__>^= *Pandect + panda love*

PAHHAHA, the boobs. 8D <333 *prodprod*
drawn in 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
pikelet (Nov 16, 2006)
:) Weepel is my little angel dude character thing (wow, most concise desc. evar)
12 comments – latest 4:
fleeting_memory (Nov 16, 2006)
how cute! I love it!
davincipoppalag (Nov 17, 2006)
This is adorable, and well drawn!
TammyF (Nov 17, 2006)
Cute little Weepel!! It's really a fun picture :~) I also like the shading and textures.
Tsukiko (Nov 17, 2006)
gosh! <3 this is sooooo cute that it hurts <3
drawn in 49 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
hideyourface (Nov 14, 2006)
er uh.
3 comments – latest 3:
Hyde676 (Nov 14, 2006)
Looks like what the spiritual world should XD creepy... very nice job @_@
TaCO (Nov 15, 2006)
Getting better!!!!

Draw more!!!!!
Draw More!!!!!

You're getting very close.
tyler_da_bomb2 (edited Nov 15, 2006)
this is sweet demonic but sweet lol i love spirit and stuff like that im fasinated by it!!^-^ nice work it looks great
drawn in 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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