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Main Forums/ 
Different home page appearance
Sweetcell (Mar 27, 2008)
Alright Cello, why am I suddenly getting a different looking 2draw page? It's brown/tan with a wierd configuration and well...... what's going on?
Public Boards/Advanced 
Roytje (Jan 29, 2008)
She's so beautiful :)
14 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Feb 5, 2008)
It came out beautiful Roy, I'mma bumping this for great justice so the no0bies doodles don't bump it down.
solve (Feb 6, 2008)
Well done sir. Well done.
somebody (Feb 8, 2008)
Great job. The hair looks very good. I love browsing your gallery. You do excellent work.
Cordelia_Pink (Mar 4, 2008)
*gasp* Hermione!! She was always cooler than Harry and Ron--those nerds. I knew it was her the moment I saw this. nicely done.
drawn in 1 hour 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Totally original picture thread
deathking (Nov 12, 2007)
Hello chums and seahags, tis' a glorious monday morning and I feel like being like totally original and in no way copying anything thats been done millions of times by doing a PICTURE THREAD!!! WOOOOOOH!!! Now since its so original I bet you dont know how it works, get a picture of youreself, post it, and list your worst characteristics for comedic relief. I wish I knew how to hyperlink XD look at my floofy floof hair.
Main Forums/ 
Lascaux draw and submit error
enjoydotcom (edited Feb 8, 2008)
So, I was nicely on the way of making drawing. When all of a sudden I couldn't draw anymore, or merge/switch layers. So I figured, best to submit the drawing and try again later. But it wouldn't let me submit. It asked the question, are you sure you want to submit, so I said, yes. Then the next box appeared with the timerbeam 1/5th of loading the png bla bla. And it dissappeared again. Tried this several times, no luck. So finally I figured, what the heck, "refresh" the page, maybe it'll reload....
Public Boards/Beginner 
staci (Nov 26, 2007)
my favorite
14 comments – latest 4:
staci (Nov 27, 2007)
ahhhhhhhhhh! i hate when i get so many yellow. so they sit on my desk for a week until i dont have any candy on hand and decide yellow starburst are better than no starburst and eat them up!

i had some razzles once but they weren't my favorite. i remember having an obsession with Nerds and Smarties tho.
Wraith (edited Nov 27, 2007)
Holy shit! These are my favorite as well! Man, this drawing looks so real, my mouth is getting watery. Edit* - Yellow is my second favorite.
Anna (Nov 27, 2007)
so they sit on my desk for a week until i dont have any candy on hand and decide yellow starburst are better than no starburst and eat them up!
lmfao i hear ya on that one! same thing happens to me!
Ty854 (Feb 18, 2008)
dont you hate it when someone asks you for a starburst and says " can i have a pink one".. why would they even bother asking?
drawn in 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
wonderland (Jan 12, 2008)
of suck ahaha
2 comments – latest 2:
HolyCow (Jan 16, 2008)
I have my septum pierced, haha.
I love getting daily comments on how some people think I look like a bull, it makes my day :D
honestly, no sarcasm intended.
wonderland (Jan 18, 2008)
Yeah; my friend Natalie has hers pierced and she takes a drag of her cigarette and blows it out of her nose like a bull. LMAO.
She loves it too.
drawn in 1 hour 29 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
51 comments – latest 4:
Ceido (Nov 3, 2007)
Scary good. Nice drawing Dave! (Dec 4, 2007)
ooo... i like this one, its creepy. very nice
davincipoppalag (Dec 4, 2007)
Thanks julia fin and kalie
hounie (Jan 10, 2008)
Just admiring some true talent, after reading these comments I see we have a couple things in common, I admire your work!
drawn in 40 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Sweetcell (Dec 25, 2007)
I got me a new tablet for Xmas. A present from all my brothers. And all I asked for was a replacement pen for my old one.

At first I thought it was smaller, but the drawing area actually is a half inch larger. That center circle can be used as a scroll bar, the buttons toggle switches etc, but the pen..... NO BATTERIES! Amazing thing. :D And yes, the circle thing lights up when in use. (oh, and it's got an erasure. A friggen erasure. I don't know if it's compatible with the pressure sensitivity thing but it's great to have.)

But what makes me the happiest, it came with free software, one of them including a minimal Corel painters package, and it has FRIGGEN LAYERS! LAYERS! Finally, no more painting with only one layer and being tedious to outline around things. I'm just a happy, happy camper...... I got layers.

Made my Xmas. Cheers all. XXXDDDDDDDDDD
7 comments – latest 4:
lori (Dec 26, 2007)
hope you keep drawing here though! or I shall misseth you
I continue to be a mouser. It's time to save some $ because I'd like to use my left hand again and see what happens.
ittykitty (Dec 26, 2007)
Mocha_Bean (Dec 29, 2007)
Woo! I have a Bamboo too. Soooo sexy.
friend (Dec 29, 2007)
drawn in 27 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Sweetcell (Dec 18, 2007)
....guesse what I've got under my hood."

Seriously, I think I'd prefer to see him this xmas than Santa.
5 comments – latest 4:
lori (Dec 18, 2007)
This is kinda cool Sweet. Yes, we can go psychedelic if you want as you said, it just may take me longer than usual.
HolyCow (Dec 19, 2007)
Pyramid head :D
That movie is creepy.
Sweetcell (Dec 19, 2007)
I've never played them, but he's worse in the games, and his character makes more sense in the games than the movie. He was wasted in it.

Damn sexy in his way though. XD
Sketcher_V (Dec 20, 2007)
this is pyramid head from resident silent hillll
drawn in 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
HolyCow (Oct 29, 2007)
'Cause, you know, it's a tomato.
7 comments – latest 4:
penpen (Oct 30, 2007)
yay tomato! :D
Miss_DJ (Oct 30, 2007)
I like it and I like them if they're fresh out of the garden! Sliced and put on a juicy grilled hamburger YUM!!
Wraith (Oct 30, 2007)
That tomato looks really Juicy! I like tomatos too. Like Miss DJ said, when they are fresh they taste really good. Especially with salt.
Axil62 (Dec 18, 2007)
great stuff! Heard of her now Foxman?
drawn in 1 hour 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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