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Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||
(Mar 12, 2007)
I just got my very first tablet and I was testing it out with this program. =D I'm happy with this tablet--didn't think I'd like using it more than the mouse but I do. I still love using the Pixia program more though. *hugs pixia* This is a random character I made just out of the blue. I'm surprised how long this took me to draw/color--that's fast to me for not trying to do good. It's the best doodly pic I've been able to do all day long--all my other doodles I made at school had been crap. O.O. . . yeah. I think I'll use this guy for a comic I've been making. He looks intereasting. =P Think I'll call him Mist because of the title my nephew had me name the picture. |
(Jan 11, 2007)
Bleeeeh--I don't feel like doing anymore with this picture--I wasted an hour on this peice. O_O I can do alot better on Pixia in an hour than this. >_< Maybe that's why I forgot about this place--I don't do well with these programs. . . Especially o the internet--my computer is to old to handle it. =PSorry for the bad peice--I just wanted to do a picture with snow since I got alot of snow down here. =D That--and I remembered this website and I wanted to try it again after so long since I've gotten better at art and drawing on the computer (with a different program though. . . ). Heh heh--I did Lee and Gaara so crappy like. XD Now I know I can do better than that even if I'm using a program I'm not use to. I guess I'm just to lazy now. XP
jaded_angel (Jan 11, 2007)
This is good, your poses too. all you need to do is clean up the line art :)
Fiesta (Jan 12, 2007)
fleeting_memory (Jan 12, 2007)
ZOMG ROCK LEE! He owns all :) Cute picture.
Skai (Jan 12, 2007)
*fanboyshriek* :DDDDD |
(Sep 6, 2006)
Whoa. . . I don't remember doing this picture at all. XP I've been off this site for so long that when I came on to try to draw something--it took me here to submit this peice. Well. . . it's something I'd draw--I just don't remember doing it. . . I wonder what else is there I can't remember. . . *goes to own gallery*
Fiesta (Jan 12, 2007)
It looks like, hes behind my window, and I pulled down the shades, nice. :3 |
(Nov 25, 2005)
Lonely, I'm so lonely. I don't feel to happy. . . |
3 comments – latest 3: | |||||||||
(Jun 7, 2005)
I want to get the game okami! X3 It has such beutiful artwork in it and the wholeentire game looks like it's water colored! It also looks like it has a lot of japanese mytholgy in it. |
(Apr 30, 2005)
Bleh I'm still terrible at using these paint programs. -_- The character is mine!! His name is Rune. And he wears glasses for fun. . . But I didn't draw glasses on him in this pic.
Chezas_Place (Apr 30, 2005)
o.o he is seksi-Cheza
angel_of_darkness (Apr 30, 2005)
Good very good |
(Apr 25, 2005)
Eh just anoher random thing I decided to draw. When my friend is around. Kitty person. . . thing is mine. But I think I did terribly on it. XP |
(Apr 5, 2005)
This is a character of mine which is named Kyosuke and well his eyes aren't normally like that but I suppose thats when he could be possessed by a demon. |
(Apr 4, 2005)
Well this pic took me quite a long while to do. But I think I'm satisfied with it. . . almost. Tried t copy it off from what I drew on my planner, but I couldn't seem to get somethings right on it. Oh wells. Have to hurry since I have Kung Fu practice soon.
lilith_dracule (Apr 4, 2005)
Cute! |
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Would you mind if I made fanart later? <3
And I love Pixia, too ~ It was my best, best friend before I got Photoshop. ^^U Good program.
Nice doodle. XD