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Profile comment:
Mae govannen, maer aur mellon.
By luck, good or bad, you have stumbled upon my humble User information page. There probably isn't much to see here, I have no website so far, and if by some fantastic whim you should want to contact me through AIM, I shall probably not be there; but I am here oftener than not.
To reach me, simply send a memo my way, and I will reply as prompt as possible.

If you should like to visit my drawings, simply look at my newest below, check my userboard, or browse my folders. Leave a comment if you see something you like or just want to critique.

If you are looking for a Collaboration partner; simply memo me with askance, I shall take a glance through your recent pictures to decide wether or not I would be willing to work with you. Though the answer would most likely be yes, there may be some time when I simply do not believe I could, or I would not have the time. When Collabing, please specify anything of special importance that I should look to work on.

Navaer, eglerio a bellas.
*I wub my mouse*

Collab? Pweese?
3 replies
Minitsaru (Jun 23, 2004)
I'll collab with you when ur done ur other collabs =P
Need link to Loomis Figure Drawing
4 replies
craptastic_spaztic (Mar 30, 2004)
Also there are a ton of anatomy reference and figure drawing stuff(Loomis too) at All fr...
Umm. Bug?
9 replies
method3 (Mar 13, 2004)
The bug is solved, please have a nice day. =P
Bubmp, Collab. How original a title.
4 replies
Harmanye (Nov 24, 2003)
Pardon me, would it? Well, one learns something new every day.