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User Information
Realname: Dana ^_^ (not day-na... dar-na)

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Profile comment:
OKay, this thing needs updating... ^_^
Well, this might make it easier, for me and u!
I like...
* horses * guitars * rock music * animation * art * hanging out with friends * playing my guitar
* uh, listening to Red Hot CHili Peppers! * making people laugh * teaching people new things * learning new things!

I don't like...
* people who aren't themselves * pop music (sorry folks, just me!) * wearing makeup *seeing a shop of guitars but having no money to spend!
* being treated like an idiot * people who like to irritate others

So, yah, that's me. I'm South African, so I speak Afrikaans... it's like Dutch, but easier. So if I say JA, it means yeah!
Memo me if ya wanna collaborate!
Everybody celebrate! ^_^

UPDATE::: Hey folks, just to let you all know, I'm not gonne be as active here, since I'm doing a lot of stuff for my DeviantArt account! Take a look at it if ya like, but I'll still check here! I'm still happy to collaborate and all, so let me know if ya wanna! Cheers! ^_^

Puzzlification of the thing called a brain...
0 replies
GreenEye (Sep 12, 2006)
Where in the world?
58 replies
sephiroth54321 (Aug 15, 2006)
We went through Atlanta City in Goergia once and it was TERRIBLE D: It's like, super bright a
No Pictures? Huh? o_0
6 replies
GreenEye (Feb 13, 2006)
It seems to be okay now, whatever the problem was, it's fixed now. Our ISP Telkom does have a few pr...
Drawing Course? Anyone?
6 replies
Fobix (Oct 27, 2005)
Ummmm.... I dont think anyone is going to want to learn to draw from a complete stranger who may liv...
I lost my picture... :(
2 replies
Kenshin (Jul 20, 2005)
Hah. When I first joined that happened to like.. two times. And I ended up starting new pictures and...
Horsy Art Trade?
0 replies
GreenEye (Jul 20, 2005)