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Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Apr 12, 2012)
3 comments – latest 3:
adxaidl3692 (Apr 13, 2012)
You need to get out more. :)
lori (Apr 13, 2012)
lol her hands crack me up
Flubbles (Apr 13, 2012)
Her Vag looks like a flower.
drawn in 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Apr 7, 2012)
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Apr 7, 2012)
Flubbles (Apr 7, 2012)
The joys of getting old.
This is hidden because it is rated Extreme. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
lori (Apr 6, 2012)
14 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Apr 7, 2012)
Wait...what? You're not a bastard? That's not right. I'm gonna ask for you to be invited.
Flubbles (Apr 8, 2012)
I gave up trying to become a bastard.
davincipoppalag (Apr 8, 2012)
there's quite a few that need to be bastards and some of em are girls.. can girls be bastards? don't we need an elite bitches board?.. I dunno....
shults (edited Apr 8, 2012)
I believe it applies to both genders because I know a bastard to be the son/daughter of incest, adultry, and other similar cases where both parents are jewish and the mother was forbidden to the father. oh, and the son of a bastard and a bastardete is also a bastard.. ;)

edit- As for the boards, I'm with cyclops, even though I'm one of 'those' hypocrites.
I believe the division makes it easier for people who don't visit the site on a daily basis to see all the good stuff.
drawn in 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Bobstained (Mar 22, 2012)
9 comments – latest 4:
Teapot (Mar 24, 2012)
Extreme beautimousness.
Bobstained (Apr 6, 2012)
drawn in 35 sec
Still got some to do, but I've gotta get stuff finished.
Roytje (Apr 6, 2012)
Wonderful, sir. The little squares on the left gives this drawing some nice depth.
davincipoppalag (Apr 6, 2012)
by jove I think he's got it
drawn in 4 hours 49 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
cyclops (Apr 5, 2012)
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Apr 5, 2012)
Lol.. Mr potatosackhelmethead
Wraith (Apr 5, 2012)
i get it. i am not worthy to draw here. in your opinion.
Flubbles (Apr 6, 2012)
The incredibly fierce testicle Helmet Owl.
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 27 min with Chicken Paint
Wraith (Apr 5, 2012)
Drawing before work...
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Apr 5, 2012)
Flubbles (Apr 6, 2012)
Thought this was Axils.
Wraith (Apr 6, 2012)
This was drawn with Logitech g9x Laser mouse, using water eroded(Drink spilt) keyboard desk. No mouse pad because I soaked it with beer as well. Mouse cursor was shaking all over the place. I think I did well considering. I just need to hook up that tablet again. Someday.
Texasneurocare (Oct 7, 2014)
Angry Bird
drawn in 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
dydyro (Nov 11, 2011)
8 comments – latest 4:
teodorika (Jan 2, 2012)
superb. aici putem desena nuduri fara sa fie desenul banat, in sfarsit
dydyro (Apr 2, 2012)
drawn in 5 min
Pantera (Apr 5, 2012)
Awesome work :)
Missdj (Apr 7, 2012)
drawn in 5 hours 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
shell (Mar 18, 2012)
12 comments – latest 4:
lori (Apr 2, 2012)
this came out great shell
shell (Apr 2, 2012)
He's better looking in the ref, all the people I draw are more beautiful than the way I can portray them.
avidadollars (May 21, 2012)
damn good ...
drawn in 2 hours 51 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Mar 27, 2012)
13 comments – latest 4:
dorothyblueeyes (Mar 29, 2012)
if we get santorum, or obama, i'll refuse to vote anymore, there is no point to voting in a tyranny.great pix!!! you rock!!!! showcase for this one
Bobstained (Mar 30, 2012)
If all the countries armies agreed to fight with bow and arrows we'd all be alot better off.
drawn in 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (Mar 26, 2012)
13 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Mar 29, 2012)
$6.50 a gallon US as of today...
enjoydotcom (edited Mar 29, 2012)
I'm paying € 1.85 / liter.
$ 9,46 / gallon.

Some in my country even pay a lot more than that. I'm lucky that I live near the border of Belgium and Germany, so gas stations lower their prices to be competitive (somewhat) with those countries.
Axil62 (Mar 29, 2012)
Eric Bolling test drove the Chevy Volt at the invitation of General Motors.

For four days in a row, the fully charged battery lasted only 25 miles before
the Volt switched to the reserve gasoline engine.
Eric calculated (liberally) the car got 30 mpg including the 25 miles it ran on
the battery.
So, the range including the 9 gallon gas tank and the 16 kwh battery is
approximately 270 miles. It will take you 4 1/2 hours to drive 270 miles at 60
mph. Then add 10 hours to charge the battery and you have a total trip time of
14.5 hours. In a typical road trip your average speed (including charging time)
would be 20 mph.
According to General Motors, the Volt battery holds 16 kwh of electricity. It
takes a full 10 hours to charge a drained battery.
The cost for the electricity to charge the Volt is never mentioned so I looked
up what I pay for electricity.
I pay approximately (it varies with amount used and the seasons) $1.16 per kwh.
16 kwh x $1.16 per kwh = $18.56 to charge the battery.
$18.56 per charge divided by 25 miles = $0.74 per mile to operate the
Volt using the battery.

Compare this to a similar size car with a gasoline engine only that gets 32 mpg.
$4.00 per gallon divided by 32 mpg = $0.13 per mile.
The gasoline powered car costs about $15,000 while the Volt costs $46,000.
So Obama wants us to pay 3 times as much for a car that costs more than 7 times
as much to run and takes 3 times as long to drive across country.
How brilliant
Flubbles (Mar 30, 2012)
And this is coming from the person in charge of the most powerful and influential country, what chance have we all got.
drawn in 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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