Date of Birth:
November 4th, 1985 (39)
Dec 23, 2006
Last Access:
Dec 22, 2008 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing an incredibly unfunny hot dog slashing through a sharp person armed with a bowling ball, right now? Or some flying hippies being, with a rabbit? Or a hot eagle? Or a snazzy plant smacking a fruitless programmer metephorically? Or a German beat? Or some thinking root beer smashing an incredibly blunt rock star? |
Mmmmm...sunglasses...I do this all the time when I'm indoors on a sunny day.
Oct 27, 2007 |
NOOOOOO the death-angel-moon-head-goth-girl is going to get rained on! :(
Very cute though. ^.^
Oct 14, 2007 |
Holy cow...I love how soft the lines are...s'like cotton candy for the eyes...
Jul 2, 2007 |
Wow...that's really flippin' cool. I like the expression a lot...kinda like bemused exasperation or ...
Jun 18, 2007 |
Oh god...the horror...THE HORROR!!!
...Sorry, just got back from Spamalot. It's pretty cute. KEEP...
Apr 29, 2007 |