Date of Birth:
Apr 1, 2005
Last Access:
Dec 22, 2008 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing a nose-less eagle exiting, right now? Or a snazzy banana crying? Or an ant? Or a snazzy pig smacking a pig with a steam roller? Or a termite crying, with incredible strength? Or a psychopathic eagle trotting around a singer with incredible strength? |
ur so dumm bakredued god dam end this Is pritty good but me can do better u should draw a new won th...
Apr 1, 2005 |
stop tockin s word abowt me! u just wished u cud drew liek me!!!! end you no It! ARGH! end four u to...
Apr 1, 2005 |
nooo!!!!!! you sed that it wus NICE! not good...theyres a difronts stupid. End me spel grate four my...
Apr 1, 2005 |
gise dont fite on my pitcher cuz ur sapost too comet on It end say Its good and mud man will go grou...
Apr 1, 2005 |