Location: Canada
Date of Birth: February 22nd, 1996 (29)
Gender: Female
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Last Access: Aug 27, 2009
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Random Profile Comment
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.

Suring you could be drawing a dead can flying on a sharp pyromaniac, right now?
Or a creepy airplane saying, "is it hot in here?", with incredible strength?
Or a hungry idiot dreaming, in the name of justice?
Or a modest eagle blundering under a terrible ping-pong ball?
Or a car kissing a can?
Or an unbelievable squash diving over a pez-dispenser?
2 Submissions
thumbnail Thank you. C:
Aug 20, 2009
thumbnail I like it, at first I thought it was some kind of ghost or spirit.
Aug 20, 2009
thumbnail Thank you, oh really both new? :O Yay for newness. ;_; newness....
Aug 20, 2009
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