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Public Boards/Advanced 
sincity (Jun 13, 2007)
damn it, had to stop again. >:{
10 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Jun 30, 2007)
wo wo wow!! disturbing greatness.
sincity (Jul 12, 2007)
icky thunk. :}
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 13, 2007)
I'm always fussing at you to draw something, and then you did, and I... missed it?... till now, anyway. I love the way it has such a deep 3-dimensional feeling to it... almost like a freeze frame from a movie.

That shiny bulging mid-section makes my trigger finger itchy.
Stryk_Nine (Feb 18, 2008)
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought the same thing as Klox...XD
So cool though.
Your art just plain rocks, Sincity =]
drawn in 6 hours 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
What inspires you?
sweet_insanity (Jun 27, 2007)
this has probably been done, but i've noticed i draw best wehn listening to certain songs. Music is already a great fuel for emotions and inspiraiton for me, but i never really though it had an outcome on what i was doing? So how about the rest of you? have a certian thing you do while drawing that makes you get really into it?
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Sweetcell (Jun 27, 2007)
Oh my God, the cuteness.

I don't know if I got her/him quite right, but if I fiddle with it I'll ruin it.

I'll put up my ref.
30 comments – latest 4:
lori (Jun 28, 2007)
nu-uh, 'cause the bubblebutt I know is sweet :P
Sweetcell (Jun 28, 2007)
Bubblebut, stay aways froms mah kittie.

Seriously though I know what it's like to raise a hellish cat. I had one like that (he really was mine, the others were my brothers who I ended up being the caretaker of after they left) and he LOVED me, liked my dad, and tolerated everyone else. He loved to scratch the hell out of my skin when we played and he terrorized my Ayla (the white cat I lost last year) and she was a grownup. Then my brother took in a stray (which I still have and usually sits beside me when I'm on the computer) and she had some relief because my Bastion went after him. Unfortunately I think he had too much wild in him because he ran off one night when someone opened the door and I never saw him again. *sniff* miss that bugger.

But I did the eyes nice, didn't I?
shults (Jul 10, 2007)
When I see pics like this one, I can't believe i used to prfer dogs. tuh.
Cats are perfect little creatures.. when they don't pop out of your can..
Re_Apple (Jun 8, 2008)
Wow!!! I love it!!! Sweet cat! ^__^ you're simply a master! haha xD!!
drawn in 2 hours 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
chan2005 (Feb 19, 2007)
Any Wolf fans out there in 2draw land? Fans of Bjork and innovative pop music check him out if you havent already! Man, I gotta get out of the habit of just plugging my favourite artists.. I'm copyin from a photo that i thought was very striking n dramatic. Thought it would translate well to a piccy
16 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Jun 27, 2007)
Phenomenal, wonderfully done. Agree with the violin.
PS (Jun 27, 2007)
Very nice work.
shalalaheartattack (Jun 27, 2007)
This is fabulous. Patrick Wolf puts me in the magic position, if you know what I mean. Haha.
Again, this is fabulous.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jun 27, 2007)
This is music to my eyes. :)
drawn in 2 hours 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Miss_DJ (Jun 20, 2007)
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jun 23, 2007)
This could be a lot of cool things, too! I think right's a mummy resting on the edge of a space platform in sight of planet xeniux..yea that's it!
mooki (Jun 23, 2007)
a cacooon methinks

very surreal

very cool

Sweetcell (Jun 24, 2007)
Oh I love this one. It's like if a Zebra mixed with a Seal. It's so adorable.
And there you got that smoothness I have not figured out.

I like the cave drawn horsie too. :)
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jun 24, 2007)
I see this as if I were a little hermit/sand crab coming out of my hole in the sand and peeking out from behind a beautiful black and white sea shell. :) I love this picture.
drawn in 2 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
PolythenePam (Jun 21, 2007)
It's actually quite fun to draw from life rather than a photo.
11 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Jun 22, 2007)
unbelievably nice
PolythenePam (Jun 22, 2007)
Haha, no you don't want a camera like this! It's only a Pentacon Pracktica, which was a replica of other better cameras at the time. It was made in East Germany (while there still was an East Germany) and the light meter doesn't work when you set the exposure at around 1/500 or 1. The little lightmetre scale inside the viewfinder is wonky too.

But I'm taking donations for a Leica.
Sweetcell (Jun 22, 2007)
I do that when I don't know what to draw. If you have something around that's interesting to draw then I say draw it. You certainly learn more from a life ref then a static one.

Wow, do they even make camera's like that anymore? It's like since digital all these camera's look like they should be in a museum. But they're more fun to use. Nice Giselle.
PolythenePam (Jun 22, 2007)
lol, yeah, there are a lot of film cameras still being made. The quality of the photos will always be immpecable compared to digital, what with the lack of pixelation. Chemical processing always gives the photos a certain aesthetic too, almost a glow. And assuming you have darkroom facilities, it's actually really cheap to print. The cost of chemicals and an enlarger is far less than a professional 10mpx digital camera and one hell of a printer. But mostly it's just art students and professional photographers you'll find with dinosaurs.
drawn in 2 hours 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Jun 21, 2007)
7 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Jun 21, 2007)
I thank you. my mother thanks you.
Rukia (Jun 21, 2007)
Somehow Brokeback Mountain comes to mind.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jun 21, 2007)
The last time I made pudding it was chocolate, and it was homemade from scratch, and it was two days after I had a hysterectomy. (just a partial one, but it still wasn't any fun) When the bowl slipped from my hands because I had my fat toddler niece Caroline wiggling on one hip (she weighed like 11 lbs at birth...big lil' girl) this was much later and she was a lot heavier, and I was trying to move the bowl from the counter to the slipped from my hand and crash, break, splat... broken glass and chocolate pudding on the floor, the the cabinet doors, the walls... it was like a chocolate pudding atom bomb. I immediately recalled the parting words of my funny spectacle wearing little old ob/gyn surgeon... "No lifting... no sweeping, no mopping, no vacuuming, blah blah... for at least 6 weeks"...... haHAH... so just for fun, I called him at home and said "HEY"!!! I was lifting my fat niece and I dropped a huge bowl of pudding on the floor. You said no lifting, no mopping... here's a reality check, doc... there's no one else here to do it, should I put her on the floor and let her play in the broken glass and pudding while you drive over to baby sit and mop? I hung up on him while he was laughing. :D I managed to clean up, but we both had "pudding pants" before it was over. I have no idea how this was intended to be interpreted, but that's honestly my take on the lovely work of art. Doctors are sooooooooooo stupid, but pudding pants can be fun, anyway.
Axil62 (Jun 22, 2007)
I just realized how this could be taken if you follow the revisions and use a little imagination, hence the brokeback Mountain comment, but no, Just began as a guy at a bar, then for no reason he was saying butt, then I didn't like the smoke in v1 so I redid it and while I was there I changed his expression a little, then I decided I only liked the smoke part so I went with that and then I heard Ray Romano from Everybody loves Raymond call his wife Pudding pants on TV, so I put that in.
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
lori (Jun 20, 2007)
18 comments – latest 4:
lori (Jun 28, 2007)
ya, and my father really hated this one: He said, "the eyes are something you'd see in a freak show"
Wraith (edited Jun 28, 2007)
LOL! I guess us artists all have something in common.. Parents who do not realize thier kids potential.

Edit* Btw, awsome drawing Lori! No I am not kissing your ass. This drawing really is cool.
lori (Jun 28, 2007)
what is WRONG with them? I think they're just jealous.
Sweetcell (Jun 28, 2007)
I know my dad is. He's kinda an artist himself and when people come over he brings out sketches he's done, when they ask to see mine too he get's....... very angry and broody the rest of the night.

I'm so glad I have this place. It's a luverly community.

I didn't comment on that one but it looks like a wooden puppet. Ah parents, whatever will we do with them?
drawn in 48 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kloxboy (Jun 20, 2007)
succulent and diseased flashes
6 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jun 20, 2007)
For some reason I see part of a car engine made out of copper. :) However you want to look at it, it's cool. I think art that everyone sees something new and different in is the best kind, it's fun.
davincipoppalag (Jun 20, 2007)
Quetzlcoatl carved from chocolate...I see Aztec too. Coolness
gizemko3 (Jun 20, 2007)
yea, Quetzalcoatl without feathers :)
Dr.Moony (Jun 21, 2007)
overall enjoyment
drawn in 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
PolythenePam (Jun 12, 2007)
ya what?
9 comments – latest 4:
dark_angel (Jun 19, 2007)
here kitty kitty kitty *pets the kitty* this is awesome, love it!
psychofox0 (Jun 19, 2007)
very nice perspective, and I love how you made it look like it's painted. Very nice. X3
JK-Arts (Jun 19, 2007)
I will Cuddle that kitty ! you have been warned !!!!!
Sweetcell (Jun 20, 2007)
kitty:What'cha lookin' at?

Cute kitty. Kwaba kwaba kitty kitty.
drawn in 1 hour 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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