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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Truearashi (Jun 17, 2005)
DONE§§§!!!! ^_^
4 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (Jun 17, 2005)
Such a cute drawing for Mille! Happy birthday to her! <:)
Cordelia_Pink (Jun 17, 2005)
Wow, she's really furry. lmao Well keep workin on it.
Xodiak (Jun 17, 2005)
Sexy, Xod wants to shave! >;D
Deformed (Jun 17, 2005)
Great! I really like your choice of colors on this one Truearashi!!
drawn in 2 hours 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Inspirational inspiration
HunterKiller_ (Jun 17, 2005)
This is more for the less talented artists like me, but feel free to contribute even if you aren't. So, when you are having doutes about your artistic abilities or having a mental block, what do you do for inspiration? To clear the block, give you new ideas, or bring back your courage to put pencil to paper... or mouse to pad... or stylus to tablet. The easiest most accessible i find is our own 2Draw showcase! I'm looking at it now even. Just take a stroll throught that magnificent gallery ...
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Cubism shmism
PolythenePam (Jun 17, 2005)
This is a painting I'm working on at school, based on early/synthetic Picasso and a bit of Boccioni It's not quite finished, it's supposed to incorperate an instrument and a word (you can see the slide and pipes of the trombone at the top and bottom, and an abstract bell of the instrument behind the face) and basically I was just wondering what y'all thought! It's a self portrait :)
Public Boards/Beginner 
Cordelia_Pink (Jun 17, 2005)
Splish... splash... splat. Once upon a time... in a far, far away land... there was a castle surrounded with a puddle of saliva... wait, it was H2O (that's what I meant). One day, a young man suddenly stepped into this puddle of saliva (who's saliva, you ask? well, I don't know.) and then--
7 comments – latest 4:
Saiyanangie (Jun 18, 2005)
This should at least be on the intermediate board.^^
Cordelia_Pink (edited Jun 20, 2005)
Intermediate board's too intimidating for me. lol But thanks y'all!
featherstone (Jun 20, 2005)
intermediate's too intimidating for you? c'mon now...this is great!
Cordelia_Pink (edited Jun 20, 2005)
lol thanks. haha i've been drawing on the intermediate board for a while... so i thought i'd do one for beginner again. that's when i'm in the mood for drawing something small and not so much effort put.
drawn in 1 hour 55 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
11 (Jun 16, 2005)
1 comment – latest 1:
Cordelia_Pink (Jun 17, 2005)
do u mean to spell "space"? it looks like a galaxy.
drawn in 21 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
Psst, I have a question...please?
tattered_wing (Jun 15, 2005)
Er, hey, I was just wondering, how exactly do you request more space on a drawing? eheh...stupid me. -.-; I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me! Thanks~
Public Boards/Beginner 
Yair (Jun 15, 2005)
Suppersive people and wogs. Meet the new leader of scientology. Me.
Yair Israel Charutz.

Since I'm occasionally drawing here, I found this place for promoting the religious of Scientology and Dianetics.
I found that these boards are a good place to promote that powerful religious that affected al least thousands of people all over the world.
The sucsessive and powerful. Scientology that created by the former leader: L.Ron Hubbard

I saw how powerful the system of scientology and dianetics is, But due to the suppersive people and groups that I was facing around in the everyday, I found that I could have better achivements by keeping these harzards out of my way.

Here too, There might be supersive persons(A.k.a Antisocial Person) and Wogs(A non scientologyst who don't want even to try the system of scientology and basically attack it without even experiencing it...) Which I might want to make them aware to the fact that scientology is basically a very usefull tool to deal problems at life. I want to bring this fact into your severly abberative minds.

Each of you who try to offense or criticise, Is actually hurting these who use the system that I use, The powerfull system of Scientology & Dianetics.
So, without any vow, I'll start promoting here material about scientology, using the different applates. I just belive that humanity need these great system that scientology and dianetics has to offer against the loss of sanity and increasing abberation in the different societies of the world.

More so, I found you for at least several times makes fun and of scientology and put it down into idiocy and dianetics.(E.g. Rediculeous pictures that contains the word "smile" while seing someone suffers, About year and a half ago.) Which is severly see it as potential harm to my (Actually second to be honest) religious and system I belive in.

I assume that many of you just can't stand the systems of Dianetics and Scientology, But I think that it was not a good way to make fun of it in that special help section about handling state of anger.
These problems I belive should be solve as the managers and admins of this sites, will reduce the level of offensive tolorance. I think that having supperior abilities to admin and manage the sites doesn't gives them rights to make people ashame about their skills and declare them easily as social criminals and sinners. I saw it here, I saw it on other boards. It's enough for me.

I don't belive that squashing imaginary things will solve the problem. I belive I should handle it by commenting the subject and solving the problems by speech. If we will find alternative ways to handle our anger without doing something to solve conflicts, then we are very far from having life with maximal surviving potential. As a person who belive scientology and dianetics could help I see it a responsibility to speak against everything that bothers me here, Without any unrequired limits. Take this in conclusion that as more as people find things to be offended from, the more they damage their way and chance to survive, and the more rules that are being set and damage way of thinking & handling life, and also, as mentioned, hurt the survivant of society and it's individuals. Since that, with no vow and official promiss I will take an act against everything that bothers me by commenting about it while explaining the logic behind what I say. I have many negative things to say about this community and so does against many, that the net offers. (However. Let me cover my hostility against you for several seconds and praise you for the great coding system and design.)

Basically, the problem is that I found many flaws here based on attitude, more than on coding, that could be improved if people where on a higher tone in the emotional tone scale such as Cheerfulness, Enthusiasm, Contendency, Concervatism...

That is basically the subject that I tried to promote here.

I have one more thing to write here about what happened to me lately causing me being upset and make mistakes while I write.

I sleep about 6 Hours a night. So that's explain well my writing mistakes.
When I will find the Engram that cause me these symptoms of Insomnia I was be able to sleep better(About these tenses of Will and then Was, I can explian that I actually never had a chance figure it out completly... This is my most major problem that isn't a matter of sleeping & consuming well ), I was be able to comment better, and make improvements in my own life and contribute more for the people around me. As I said, By sleeping good at night.
16 comments – latest 4:
Gigandas (edited Jun 16, 2005)
Hey Nightmare, it's probably safe to say you're right about him wanting attention, but by giving it to him, guess who's winning???
Nightmare (Jun 16, 2005)
Good point.
Xodiak (Jun 16, 2005)
Am I winning? What is the prize? <:)
Cordelia_Pink (Jun 21, 2005)
What... the... heck. No, I wasn't referring to your big arse description, I was referring to your picture. Really intense.
drawn in 52 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
15grifficorntears (May 30, 2005)
Back to the drawing board.
[Edit] I'm never gunna finish this.
4 comments – latest 4:
Noremac (May 31, 2005)
WEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee -twirls around you-
Cordelia_Pink (May 31, 2005)
This is nice!! Carry on!!
Noremac (Jun 3, 2005)
finish it boss
15grifficorntears (Jun 3, 2005)
drawn in 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
Anna (Jun 13, 2005)
24 comments – latest 4:
milenka (Jun 16, 2005)
Cordelia_Pink (Jul 18, 2005)
SO hot. From shoulders to down. hehe
TaCO (Aug 3, 2005)
Looks alot alot like my older brother.
Durwin could be his stunt double.
NOVEMBER93 (Apr 22, 2006)
it's a good thing my friend morgan doesn't go to this website....she would go crazy if she ever saw this :D
drawn in 5 hours 27 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
lycene (Jun 11, 2005)
I've been drawing/painting quite a few wrinkly old ladies lately. This one seems quite smug about something.
Had fun with this one, it's a different style than I normally use.

Sorry if this isn't Intermediate, feel free to move it down.
7 comments – latest 4:
nekodesu (Jun 11, 2005)
This reminds of Zep's drawings...maybe it's the nose...anyways, it looks really nice =D
Farore (Jun 11, 2005)
Wow, you can draw old people... I'l impressed :)
P.S. "Babushka"? Czy to mia?o by? po polsku?
lycene (Jun 11, 2005)
Nope, sorry Farore (I assume you were asking if I speak Polish?) I just like old ladies in headscarves. And, yeah, I love Zep's stuff. He's awesome!
Cordelia_Pink (Jun 24, 2005)
"Babushka"... isn't that a Russian word for "Grandmother" (and "scarf")? This looks great.
drawn in 43 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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