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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Noremac (Feb 22, 2006)
figured i would draw something crappy to get rid of my block, liked how it came out.
9 comments – latest 4:
Expendable-Studios (Feb 23, 2006)
hi ho, hi ho, it´s off to work we go! with a shovel and a pick and a dinamite stick, HI HO,hi ho hi ho hi ho.....
Agoylis (Feb 23, 2006)
no no no no trish thats not how it goes it goes like this "hi ho hi ho im off to slaughter jo du du de du due do da" thats how it goes
Noremac (Feb 24, 2006)
hahaha i havent heard that in forever
DieChan (Mar 8, 2006)
For some reason I suddenly fell in love with this. You're so much better than me now! :D It's great. This is great. You are great. Great.

It reminds me of that purple/white cat thing from one of the Dot.Hack series... o_O
drawn in 43 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
TheCrimsonKing (Feb 24, 2006)
6 comments – latest 4:
Deformed (edited Feb 24, 2006)
It's been too long since the last one, C.K.! This is really good, as always! The hair is....... very realistic!
Edit: There should be a penalty for posting something that's intermediate quality on the beginers boards! :)
kristine (Feb 24, 2006)
this is great. the hair is beautful and your anatomy is to die for. your shading is always stunning.
Childlike_Vampire (Feb 27, 2006)
Such beautiful smooth hairs, and the touch of blue...
woah_pockster (Mar 3, 2006)
<:] you're amazing joe and you inspireee <333
drawn in 48 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
natsuki (Feb 26, 2006)
bleh... don't ask... I just decided to doodle something for fun... i hope you like it....
7 comments – latest 4:
natsuki (Feb 26, 2006)
natsuki (Feb 27, 2006)
drawn in 1 min
I didn't add much... just a background...
Childlike_Vampire (Feb 27, 2006)
oh das a cute pishurrr...mmm and soft pink.
natsuki (Mar 1, 2006)
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
charmyc (Jan 9, 2005)
erf i liked doing this X3 even if the wing(yes the red thigs are wing O_O) i loved the pose ^^ and had to had wing so she wouldn't be unbalanced XD i guess the stitch on her fac could have been better oh well ...
9 comments – latest 4:
snow_child (Jan 9, 2005)
wow, this is fantastically dark and gloomy. i like it
solve (Jan 9, 2005)
awesome style on this! also, a nice choice for a pose. well done!
Jack_Fox (Jan 19, 2005)
Sexah. I dig it to china if ya know what I'm sayin'.
Protocom-iko (Feb 28, 2006)
ok this picture is weird
drawn in 2 hours 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
ky (Feb 25, 2004)
Ari and Stan.
5 comments – latest 4:
tattered_wing (Mar 1, 2004)
AIIEEEEE! * glomps * I love Okage! ^-^ and I love Ari! hes so kawaii..........* clings * very nice shading, and you did Stan perfect! * cackles out of insane Okage oekaki joy *
Marienkind (Mar 1, 2004)
damn, that was a cute game. and stan was adorable - though i still don't buy the thing about ari being sixteen.

queh, he looks downright pinchable here.
Neko (Mar 3, 2004)
So, did they ever bring the game to US? I live in Europe so I wouldn't know... Nah, not feeling like checking out any gaming news. *speaking to voices*
Natsuna (Feb 27, 2006)
This games fun :) Although i'm stuck :(
drawn in 1 hour 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
djramz99 (Feb 24, 2006)
guy w/ braves hat on. first pic on 2draw.
1 comment – latest 1:
Childlike_Vampire (edited Feb 27, 2006)
Pretty nice for a first, hell yeah. I especially like the highlights on his cheeks and chin.
drawn in 20 min with PaintBBS
shanesemler (Feb 27, 2006)
I worked on this off and on while on the phone and doing other stuff. Reference: Just for fun and it gave me a reason to dust off my old Wacom.
5 comments – latest 4:
terracotta (Feb 27, 2006)
Very effective especially considering the small size and roughness of the stroke quality. The sheet looks really good in the thumb. Nice job on foreshortening, too. How'ju get so much detail in the face? I think my pixels must be bigger than yours. *grumble*
suzie (Feb 27, 2006)
I like the roughness of this..nice contrast to the delicate detail of her for me! :D
shanesemler (edited Feb 27, 2006)
drawn in 9 min
Through the magic of the "Soft" tool, I smoothed the image out a bit.
Childlike_Vampire (Feb 27, 2006)
I liked it better before the blurring *noddles* but otherwise very good. :D
drawn in 2 hours 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
PsychoTeddy (Feb 20, 2006)
9 comments – latest 4:
Childlike_Vampire (Feb 21, 2006)
Wow this is awesome. I love the lack of shading, colored lineart, and her eyemakeup! Really fun to look at picture. :D
voodoobunny (Feb 24, 2006)
I'm loving this <3 It's so colorful :D
April94 (Feb 26, 2006)
creepy stuff man, is that supposed to be a girl by anychance?, even if it is kinda scary, for a girl.
PsychoTeddy (Feb 27, 2006)
Um. Yes, April94. A girl.

Please read this:
drawn in 2 hours 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Excel_Ichigo (Feb 23, 2006)
Rockstars don't need good haircuts.
2 comments – latest 2:
Protocom-iko (Feb 23, 2006)
and your absolutly correct.they can have it anyway that can possibly think of.^_^
Childlike_Vampire (Feb 23, 2006)
You're right, we don't...but they make the job a little more fun! :P

I really like the hair, maybe you should try more drawings where you start off with a dark background and add lighter colors? It worked totally awesome for me recently, I didn't even know I could do it! So yeah. *shrug*
drawn in 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Harurie (Feb 22, 2006)
3 comments – latest 3:
Childlike_Vampire (Feb 22, 2006)
I love the colors, especially of her hair. My favorite bits are her collar bone and the nose and lips. Great pic!
Harurie (Feb 22, 2006)
thanks ^^!!
Your one of my favourite artists on 2draw, I'm happy you commented ^^
suzie (Feb 23, 2006)
The shine on her hair is good and her pink nose is really sweet. Very nice colours too :D
drawn in 48 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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