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Public Boards/Advanced 
bette_davis_eyes (Jul 8, 2009)
24 comments – latest 4:
Pantera (Jan 15, 2010)
WOW, this makes me feel good just looking at it, wonderful job :)
bette_davis_eyes (Jan 15, 2010)
thanks pantera, I'm happy you like it :)
Pantera (Jan 15, 2010)
Just took a quick look at your drawings and OMG I will have to come back another time to really enjoy them all, so much talent, am so happy you share it with us :)
Suntan (Jan 16, 2010)
I like looking back on great stuff and I missed this one. Thanks for bringing it up front.
drawn in 8 hours 25 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Blackmoon (Jul 14, 2009)
this is a real quick 13 minute sketch of an imagined character
2 comments – latest 2:
firecracker (Jul 14, 2009)
He looks like a friendly alien......nice draw! :)
Blackmoon (edited Jul 14, 2009)
thanks, trying my good ol technique
drawn in 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
firecracker (Jul 13, 2009)
"I know there is sorrow, where laughter once played, and lingering tears, causing gladness to fade, but there's a sweet comfort our memories impart, so always're here in my heart."
13 comments – latest 4:
bette_davis_eyes (Jul 14, 2009)
this is really a beautiful birthday tribute to him firecracker.. and that rainbow is so pretty
firecracker (Jul 15, 2009)
"Hi "vlad", and "bette".....Thank you both very much for your nice comments.....I really do appreciate it. I'm glad you guys like the took me awhile to get it looking right. Thanks for commenting.....:)
xsi639 (Aug 20, 2009)
very touching and wonderful thing to do^^...Happy B-day John...wherever you are i hope you see this^^
firecracker (Aug 20, 2009)
Thanks very much "xsi" for commenting......I'm glad you like this picture. :)
drawn in 3 hours 23 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Advanced 
Blackmoon (Jul 13, 2009)
see the background? yea its all the same color! there is nochangement of color and the writing create that optical illusion :O yea well its pretty unfinished but im gonna put it finished and maybe finish it later :P
btw, i got tree rats and lovvvve rats, they are so smart and cutttte. I dont understand people who hate them cause they are useful to humans, cleaning sewers and are actually very clean and loving and cuddly. i even installed them a litter with real litter and they use it too poop and pee
10 comments – latest 4:
SamiJ1000 (Jul 14, 2009)
Aww this is soo cute! I have a guinea pig named 'Piggie Pie' and I sometimes call her little rodent. :D
Blackmoon (edited Jul 14, 2009)
wow so many comments! ,thanks everyone!
vlad.the.hamster (Jul 14, 2009)
The background idea is pretty cool. :P
So is the rat. haha
backmagicwoman (Jul 15, 2009)
Nice hair..looks really soft...
drawn in 1 hour 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
PS (Jun 28, 2009)
Across the tapioca sea.
10 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Jul 13, 2009)
this is terrific
Blackmoon (Jul 13, 2009)
love the colors
Luvvy (Jul 14, 2009)
The effects went really well.
It looks like it really raining and people mocing around.
Well done
beefcake619 (Oct 2, 2012)
very well done , rain, rain, go away--come back another day?
drawn in 2 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
elly (Jul 13, 2009)
Well that felt down right good!
11 comments – latest 4:
catfish (Jul 14, 2009)
Very nice
elly (Jul 14, 2009)
thanks, y'all! Blackmoon I will try to work on that if I get the time.....thanks for pointing it out.
lori (edited Jul 14, 2009)
thank you elly :) I'm waiting to get my art jive back.
TeZzeR (Oct 11, 2010)
cool as!!
drawn in 43 min with Chicken Paint
shults (Jul 13, 2009)
5 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Jul 14, 2009)
Very nice pic....I like her "shades"! :)
davincipoppalag (Jul 14, 2009)
She's lookin at the hot cabana boy, eh?
catfish (Jul 14, 2009)
Very good drawing
firecracker (Jul 14, 2009)
She reminds me a little bit of Ann Margret.....nice draw! :)
drawn in 2 hours 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
firecracker (Jul 8, 2009)
I just felt like doing one more "fireworks" draw. This pretty much looks like my city, that's why I titled it "Fireworks over Pittsburgh"....."LOL"!! I'm "posting" this as "finished"......I don't know what else I can add to it.....I think it looks ok as it is. :)
15 comments – latest 4:
charitylarrison (Jul 29, 2009)
great work, really does look & feel like the burgh at night!
firecracker (Jul 29, 2009)
Hi "charity"......Thanks very much for commenting.....I really appreciate it,,,,,,I'm glad you like the "pic". Are you from the Pittsburgh area??? :)
xsi639 (Aug 20, 2009)
looks cool but now i see that something is missing..maybe some stars?...dunno but it would amplify the sky or i am just to hungy at this^^...anyway love it just the way it is and goos work with Pittsburg and all*.*
firecracker (Aug 20, 2009)
Hi "xsi639".......Thanks for commenting on my "Pittsburgh" draw......I'm glad you like it. There are a few little stars in the sky.....maybe you can't see them on your computer. I didn't want to put too many would look "cluttered" I think. :)
drawn in 13 hours with Chicken Paint
Roytje (Mar 14, 2009)
13 comments – latest 4:
Moosh (Jul 12, 2009)
Pure greatness.
mur-mur (Jul 20, 2009)
This is so awesome D:
shell (Apr 3, 2010)
what mur-mur said
Roytje (Apr 3, 2010)
drawn in 1 hour 6 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Blackmoon (Jul 8, 2009)
always there for you, when your in need....TO BE KILLED!!! MUAHAHAHA
11 comments – latest 4:
Bubblicious (Jul 9, 2009)
OMFG!!! Yay!!! Bubblechuck, lol :D I like Bubblechuck!!! *huggles him*
Blackmoon (edited Jul 9, 2009)
*kills you with a barbie fisherprice knife while you huggles him* :D
Bubblicious (Jul 9, 2009)
NOOOOOO!!!! *slowly dies, but still holding him in my death hug* xD
catfish (Jul 9, 2009)
He's a bad boy!!!!
drawn in 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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