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Public Boards/Intermediate 
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 2, 2007)
I won't be wearing anything like this for a few weeks. I couldn't walk on my foot this morning so I had to go get an xray. I broke a chunk out of my ankle bone and tore ligaments in my foot. It hurts it hurts it hurts it HURTS.
39 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (Apr 3, 2007)
This piece has come a long way in regards to detail, great job.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 4, 2007)
Thank you, Juno. I just now saw that this is a new quarter/gallery... and that this horrid thing is the only picture I have in there, and my initial thought was "how embarrassing"... and then I realized that it's okay, because later I'll be happy when I see it and remember those of you that said nice stuff even though the picture really kind of sucks. Then I thought to myself... it looks like you posted it just because you were hurt and you wanted attention... and then I realized... Yeah, I guess I did, and some people here were nice enough just to give it to me. Thanks again, ya'll. :)
Cameo (Apr 8, 2007)
Sorry bout that Cindy! ((((Cindy)))) Hope you feel better soon! Good work!
Sweetcell (Apr 9, 2007)
Oh Cindy be whiney, be cranky, Lord knows with all the hel you've been through your deserving to be so. Besides, you have a larger happier stronger outlook on life that superceded any bad moments. Something I admire in you. That youcould see the humour after youbroke it speaks volumes. (I can't believe the crutches made things worse. Try having the screws turned inward. And hey is all else fails cover them in duct tape, then it'll just rub against you, and not rip anything.)

You captured the greeny color of an exray well here. Don't think it's bad, cause it aint.
drawn in 2 hours 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
lori (Apr 3, 2007)
9 comments – latest 4:
lori (Apr 3, 2007)
Thank you. Those images you guys see are just accidents.
Axil62 (Apr 3, 2007)
this is good, man.
Miss_DJ (Apr 3, 2007)
really love what you've been doin lately, no. very creative!
lori (Apr 4, 2007)
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
marcello (Apr 2, 2007)
what gives?
8 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Apr 2, 2007)
YoureToast (Apr 3, 2007)
i see a penis too...
camadeon (Apr 3, 2007)

I like the face in the corner!
Miss_DJ (Apr 3, 2007)
I like the colors. Would you draw another picture with these same colors, please?
drawn in 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
LifeStreamInMyVeins (Apr 2, 2007)
Bye everyone! I'm headed across the pond for spring break! YAY ENGLAND! I'll be back in about the week to spam the beginner boards with more of my crap! <3333 Kitty
4 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Apr 2, 2007)
Ok bye now! You take care and have lots of fun! Hurry back! Yay!
Miss_DJ (Apr 2, 2007)
you have a jolly good time now!! cheerio!!
notebook99 (Apr 3, 2007)

DarthWhammy1983 (Apr 3, 2007)
Bring us back some tea and crumpets! And teach us how to play Cricket!
drawn in 1 hour 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
YoureToast (Apr 2, 2007)
in a few more minutes or hours i will finish it, i have things i need to attend to.
23 comments – latest 4:
YoureToast (Apr 2, 2007)
Mmmm--i'll try that next time.
YoureToast (Apr 3, 2007)
drawn in 22 min
Miss_DJ (Apr 3, 2007)
I'd agree with Axil except for the higher than medium part. Just precisely medium, but no more is the way to make it perfectly brown, not burnt. It's too easy to fk it up if it's higher. For God's sake, don't take that chance...unless you have plenty of more cheese and bread to start all over again.

ps if your butter is to hard to spread on the bread, you can 'cheat' and throw some butter in a pan (not too much) then put a piece of bread on the butter, zooming it around the pan with your spatula, then throw the cheese on it with another slice of bread. Repeat for other side of sandwich. Eat with tomato soup and a glass of milk. Enjoy.
YoureToast (Apr 3, 2007)
There is always more cheese than bread in all of my sanwiches.
drawn in 52 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Apr 2, 2007)
She would never say where she came from
Yesterday don't matter if its gone
While the sun is bright
Or in the darkest night
No one knows
She comes and goes

Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday
Who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you...

Don't question why she needs to be so free
Shell tell you its the only way to be
She just cant be chained
To a life where nothings gained
And nothings lost
At such a cost

There's no time to lose, I heard her say
Catch your dreams before they slip away
Dying all the time
Lose your dreams
And you will lose your mind.
Ain't life unkind?

Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday
Who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you...
29 comments – latest 4:
lori (Apr 2, 2007)
aww, thank you, you're very beautiful too <3
frootcake (Apr 3, 2007)
this is definitely scarlett johannson rather than the original, great painting. and yes, the mona lisa is quite disappointin irl, it's so small! and you can't get anywhere near it.
RideTheWashingMachine (Oct 20, 2009)
Nice job you captured the lighting just right ^_^
pawillie (Mar 3, 2011)
I like the way you did this
drawn in 1 hour with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
YoureToast (Apr 1, 2007)
this is a piece of shit.
15 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 2, 2007)
Well, don't take anything with phenylpropanolamine in it, there was a recall on it.... most likely because some teenagers were doing the "Robitussin walk" and overdosed on it. It's not for your stomach, but don't take some anyway. It was probably recalled because it doesn't have Tylenol in it.
YoureToast (Apr 2, 2007)
Haha, i learned something new today!
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 2, 2007)
I try to learn something new every day, and sometimes I really do! :)
YoureToast (Apr 2, 2007)
Haha me too, but usually it's not anything worth remembering--at least now i won't have to worry about phenylpropanolamine anymore.
drawn in 14 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Holy Crap, Contest Prizes!
marcello (Apr 1, 2007)
Thanks to Oddica and Kloxboy, 2draw is pleased to announce that 2draw contests will now have prizes! Starting with today's contest, the first place winner will receive an Oddica t-shirt of their choice as well as other prizes. Details to come. Oddica is an artist-oriented t-shirt company, be sure to check them out. The [url
Public Boards/Beginner 
randomismyfingx-x-x-x (Apr 1, 2007)
A band that will be famous!!!!!!!! the best of kirstie n and beth b!! x
2 comments – latest 2:
Axil62 (Apr 1, 2007)
ok, but that's not a revolver.
Punky (Apr 1, 2007)
Please spend more than 7 minutes on your pictures. :)
drawn in 7 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
YoureToast (Mar 31, 2007)
Extreme cancer.
8 comments – latest 4:
Cameo (Apr 1, 2007)
Why is this extreme?
Sweetcell (Apr 1, 2007)
Axil62 (Apr 1, 2007)
I think YoureToast is facinating.
YoureToast (Apr 1, 2007)
i like trolls, i had one with bright green hair. Wonder what happened to that little fellow...
drawn in 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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