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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Meatcake (Oct 26, 2008)
Minus the clutter ..
3 comments – latest 3:
Axil62 (Oct 26, 2008)
Meatcake (Oct 26, 2008)
Can I have a crap sticker?
Suntan (Oct 26, 2008)
nah..i think your style's quite cool, too. love your clock.
drawn in 55 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Flubbles (Oct 20, 2008)
4 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Oct 20, 2008)
You are too funny! lololol..great lipstick tube! That's Cover Girl isn't it? I recognize it. Never have seen THAT particular color though!
Axil62 (Oct 20, 2008)
Cool, all we need now is a pig. :)
STARZSHINE (Oct 23, 2008)
Hey Flubbles, I don't think it is your shade...something a little more pink I think.
backmagicwoman (Dec 17, 2010)
Haha!..poop lipstick.
drawn in 1 hour 45 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/The Post Board 
How the Democrats did it.
Axil62 (Oct 22, 2008)
Subject: How the Dems did it. There is a whole lot of finger pointing going on in the world of politics this week. For those who just enjoy history or want to understand how or why we got to this point in financial chaos: 1938: Roosevelt got through a Democratically controlled Congress Fannie Mae. 1970: Freddie Mac was created by Democrats in Congress 57-43 Senate and 234-192 House. 1977: the Community Reinvestment Act was passed by the Democratic Congress (61-39 Senat...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
mooki (Oct 20, 2008)
im going to rehab.
18 comments – latest 4:
lori (Oct 22, 2008)
thinking of you mooks
Suntan (Oct 22, 2008)
ooo, I wish you well. Good luck, mooki.
Flubbles (Feb 16, 2010)
Is mooki still in rehab?
drawn in 1 hour 9 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Oct 20, 2008)
2 comments – latest 2:
xwindflyer (Oct 22, 2008)
You mean the Denver Donkys?
Axil62 (Oct 22, 2008)
yup yup
drawn in 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Roytje (Sep 28, 2008)
Only time.
18 comments – latest 4:
camadeon (Oct 23, 2008)
I can't stop smiling when I see this. :D
I luv the way you paint skin. It's awesome...
bette_davis_eyes (Oct 23, 2008)
beautiful job! she's gorgeous
Miss_DJ (Oct 30, 2008)
I come back to this again and again, just to see what it looks like to be that full of life and beauty. just lovely, Roy.
Axil62 (Oct 30, 2008)
True greatness.
drawn in 2 hours 59 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Flubbles (Oct 16, 2008)
23 comments – latest 4:
HiroDaZero (Oct 21, 2008)
Flubbles (edited Oct 21, 2008)
Your a real sweetie mooki, and have such a way with words! Thanks for the compliments everybody, i obviously like getting them but i feel a real arse (ass) because i dont know what to say in reply. I think ill leave the eyes moony, he's obviously shedding a tear for his sick grandma, and its not a publicity stunt to get more votes.Im just joking i dont know alot about obama, me being english , he just comes across as a little to smug for my liking.
Anna (Oct 23, 2008)
Fuckin awesome.
ItzChronic (Jan 27, 2009)
Good lord, your realism is amazing. It looks like a photograph, and I'm not exaggerating...

Lower lip seems a bit iffy to me, but I'm certainly no expert. o3o;
drawn in 7 hours 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Alex-Cooper (May 19, 2007)
Makes everybody DIE!
8 comments – latest 4:
solve (Oct 18, 2008)
I wish this would happen. Cool draw.
Axil62 (Aug 31, 2009)
draw again!!
Alex-Cooper (Aug 31, 2009)
Your wish is my command, Axil
Axil62 (Aug 31, 2009)
Yeah sure it is. Glad to see you back.
drawn in 6 hours 58 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
cyclops (Oct 18, 2008)
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (edited Oct 18, 2008)
She looks holier than thou..and if she's a ghost she could be an apparition-american
Axil62 (Oct 18, 2008)
This made me laugh out loud.
Anna (Oct 23, 2008)
yeah.. this totally brings the LOLs
drawn in 21 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Oct 17, 2008)
50 comments – latest 4:
Cameo (Oct 22, 2008)
Funniest statement I've heard yet, cyclops! ;o)
stuartlittle64 (Oct 24, 2008)
I honestly thought he said "poop lips" because of what Obama says . . .
Flubbles (edited Oct 24, 2008)
Thats why his lips are probobly so brown, youve hit the nail on the head!
snow_child (Nov 15, 2008)
lol poop lips? you're rediculous. hahaha. I enjoy this because you're not being racist, you're treating him like anybody else. Now if you saying something threatening and hateful, then that'd be rasist. people get too upset over small things :P
drawn in 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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