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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Black_Bird (Mar 18, 2014)
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Mar 19, 2014)
he looks intense
Axil62 (Mar 19, 2014)
Yeah but how many tents can one guy be in?
davincipoppalag (Mar 19, 2014)
drawn in 3 hours 3 min with Chicken Paint
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Contest 109: Music Posters
cyclops (edited Feb 10, 2011)
contest 109: Music Posters Your favorite band is coming to your town and they have commissioned you to draw a poster for their upcoming event. Use a real band and use a real venue from your town/city. You can use references but do not copy any album cover. Be original. Draw it. this contest will be open for entries as of 01/27 to 02/05 11:59 EST some inspiration: kid rock, [url:http://www...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
dorothyblueeyes (Jan 22, 2014)
(This is a political cartoon,of what's happening in the city of Portland,Oregon; these two lebians went to this Portland bakery,and demanded that the bakery make their cake.The owners refused and said that"the lesbian life style was against their Christian religion." SO!! The lesbian couple and all the gays in Portland not only boycotted the bakery,they protested in front of it(lots of them)and they SUED THE COUPLE IN COURT,harrassed them,and phone calls even threatened their kids.the people's bakery went out of business.Furthermore, the state of Oregon and the lesbians,are taking their home and property==and everything they a discrimination law suit.

the state of Oregon legislature is so BENT,they are making state laws that NO ONE CAN REFUSE BUSINESS TO GAY PEOPLE.just because your religion does not believe in gays, you have no rights.Christians have no rights.You are FORCED TO SERVE GAY PEOPLE.IF YOU DON'T, THE STATE WILL END YOUR BUSINESS, SEIZE IT,ALL YOUR PROPERTY AND HOME.AND (sorry about the caps.)and now because this is also a federal law-discrimination case, the couple charged, who are losing everything, will or maybe be put in prison.

Yes, because we now have the "gay mafia"in Oregon. there is no free speech or freedom in would remind you of Russia in a way.Or China.If you have Christian values,here, and refuse to co-operate with the "gay mafia," they and the legislature and the govt. of Oregon,have anti-heterosexual and anti-Christian laws.Plus,the Oregon legislature is ready to BAN FIREARMS,new anti-gun laws, in this state.

Ok, let's be frank; we have OPEN-WAR-FARE Between gays,extreme communist liberal laws and legislature, and rigid anti-free speech and free action for the ordinary people in this state.And this is a state where people HUNT a lot.they vacation here to hunt.This has always been a very FIRE-ARM best friend's dad, when i was a kid, shot deer, and i ate venison for dinner there.(it's tough if you don't tenderize.)

But we know what's going on;the gay mafia has picked Oregon, to take over and make this a solidly-ruled gay state.Its already ruled by extreme liberal-socialist,(well, COMMUNIST, don't mince words!)We will have to fight to avoid LOSING FIREARMS which is against the constitution.And if you can't move away, out the state, we ordinary people will have to become REPUBLICAN, and become criminals in our own state.we will have to consider joining criminals and drug dealers, and break the law, in our own state; just to keep our rights! and now, everyone inn Oregon will be forcED to LIE to deal with gays.WhY? cause we are getting THEIR AGENDAS FORCED ON US!!We get laws forced on us about PERSONAL RIGHTS,the state has no rights to attack. legislature is ATTACKING businesses, as well, and forbidding regular business practices.

Any Oregonians who can, have moved out of the state.I would LOVE TO SELL THIS HOUSE AND PROPERTY, AND MOVE TO a right-wing or republican state.I was always a moderate, Independent, and very tolerant person. That does not seem to be possible anymore.Years ago,I had nice gay friends.I can't see that happening again;especially with anyone who's a lesbian.I guess OPEN WAR-FARE will be here not long.If i have to buy drugs,until i find gun-dealers,i'll do it.i lived in the most dangerous neighborhood in San Francisco, for years.I was poor, and it WAS BAD.I'm not putting up with Osama Bin Laden ruling Oregon.

Sorry for the rant; if you want to look up this news story on google, there are several sites with it,as news.
I never thought I would see Liberal,left wing, and gays become "take-over QUEENS".you can't go to a GAY-RUN BAKERY,or business, force them to make me a STRAIGHT-WEDDING-CAKE.The state of Oregon would NEVER protect STRAIGHT RIGHTS!! no way! the thing is, ,This stuff will make people now HATE GAYS.especially in all the outer states.the KKK has a good chance of rising again. ugh. it was very strong here eons ago.this is just about what would attract it; going against the govt.sorry about the rough drawing; but it expresses it pretty well.heh.
6 comments – latest 4:
cXrXaXt (Jan 27, 2014)
who runs a fucking christian cake store?!
davincipoppalag (Jan 27, 2014)
Kraft foods has a Christian Cheese plant Cheeses of Nazareth
HandNun (Feb 7, 2014)
Boo hoo.
enjoydotcom (Mar 4, 2014)
I wouldn't even WANT to have such an ignorant idiotic bakery take my money. Having that said, would you say the same if they refused an African American their cake? Would you then also say African American mafia?
Being gay isn't a choice (for most people), as is the color of your skin. So just the thought that some religious self righteous people feel they should refuse business because of the life style is moronic to me.
drawn in 2 hours 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Felistorm (Feb 12, 2014)
valentines present
7 comments – latest 4:
Teapot (edited Feb 26, 2014)
Super use of textures and colors. Strange lookin' little frog. Looks like his mommy got knocked up by a bat.
Wraith (Feb 26, 2014)
Wow! Awesome looking creature. :)
dorothyblueeyes (Feb 26, 2014)
That's a real creature? or no? if its real, wierder than Animal Planet; wonderful painting, so colorful and textured yow!
Felistorm (Mar 1, 2014)
LOL Hubby uses the screen name dragon frog. :) So this was as dragon-ish a frog as I could go....though I do have another on here somewhere. :D
drawn in 2 hours 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
2 comments – latest 2:
Axil62 (Feb 21, 2014)
dorothyblueeyes (Feb 26, 2014)
wow!Ditto that!
drawn in 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
tscott (Feb 21, 2014)
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Feb 21, 2014)
nice one tony
Axil62 (edited Feb 21, 2014)
Very appealing.

Edit.... one little thing though... see how the earth and sky are evenly divided? The viewer is forced to struggle between the two because neither is dominant.
drawn in 4 hours 4 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
lori (Jan 18, 2014)
7 comments – latest 4:
madscientist111 (Jan 18, 2014)
They look lovely!
Miss_DJ (Jan 20, 2014)
I think they're bird of paradise flowers. No matter. They're lovely.
Suntan (Feb 6, 2014)
...whichever they are, it's cool. How you feeling? :)
lori (edited Feb 7, 2014)
thank you... I've had on and off chest pains still but knock on wood for the last three or four days I've been good, thanks for asking.. I'm so frustrated though, I was used to coming here and creating something every day and now I never feel like it anymore, when I draw I get irritated
drawn in 43 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Roytje (Jan 13, 2011)
4 comments – latest 4:
Alter.Native (Jan 13, 2011)
davincipoppalag (Jan 13, 2011)
Eleven minutes...great stuff
Axil62 (Jan 13, 2011)
As far as like or dislike... this one is right down the middle. I'm struggling with it. I'm compelled to say god damn mother fuckin son of a bitch.
Cameo (Jan 28, 2014)
I love the pastel colors you used! Very nice!
drawn in 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/The Post Board 
To the many Chinese here than never comment and never draw....
Axil62 (Aug 18, 2012)
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Suntan (Sep 29, 2013)
8 comments – latest 4:
lori (Oct 2, 2013)
different shoes... look sort of like something maybe you'd see in Switzerland?
dorothyblueeyes (Oct 5, 2013)
populatis (Dec 31, 2013)
Hi Suntan ,I still Enjoy your work more than anyone's. I will always visit from time to time. Populat
Suntan (Jan 7, 2014)
holy cow..very long time! thank you, populat...see you then! :)
drawn in 37 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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