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IamaCunt (Dec 6, 2005)
Fixing the letters later
3 comments – latest 4:
IamaCunt (Dec 6, 2005)
drawn in 5 min
I got bored so I fixed it the fingers look decent, I still can't draw hands.
angel_of_darkness (Dec 7, 2005)
it's kinda creepy
yuohoo (Dec 10, 2005)
Yeah,how do yuo get all these ideas anyway? I really don't know what it is..
IamaCunt (Dec 12, 2005)
I dunno mon ...dreams, and just strange random thoughts, & music. I did this while I was listening to Jefferson Airplanes " White Rabbit", "Fat Angel"& "Embryonic Journey" while I was thinking back to the Christmas Parade I had seen earlier that week...there was a lady dressed up like the teapot from "Beauty & The Beast" and she was spinning around in circles surrounded by people dressed up like it looked she didn't belong there.
drawn in 42 min with PaintBBS
angel_of_darkness (Dec 6, 2005)
i just got bored and its the last hour before i get to go home.
drawn in 4 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
angel_of_darkness (Nov 11, 2005)
I let my Friend Shawn Barrow my black hat. he had sugery on jaw so i wont have it for another week.
and now he's back and my hat.
drawn in 1 hour 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
vigilante (Dec 5, 2005)
~~inspired by thin lizzy
teh forehead is too long, but otherwise i actually like this.
drawn in 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Darkling (Dec 6, 2005)
I'm not even close to done, this thing is way too complex. Just taking a break and safety-saving, if I lost this I'd be kicking myself. Pic is a gothic cellar on, citing my ref. ^^ As you can see, it is MAJORLY in progress, and I'm doing this with a half-dead mouse. I need a tablet....oy.
1 comment – latest 1:
hyschara (Dec 6, 2005)
wacom :3 could be a bit expensive than the other one suggested though.
drawn in 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Darkling (Dec 6, 2005)
I'm actually not too unhappy about how it came out...the water is frustrating but I think I'm getting a bit better at it. The rocks....need work. I'm safety-saving before editing and taking out those annoying fat light-grey lines on the water, the smallest tool clearly works better...any critique on clouds and lighting would be greatly welcome!!!

-By the way....thanks, Davincipoppalog. ^^ I might go for Wascom, but after seeing your sunset piece I have to say I might go for yours instead!!!!
1 comment – latest 1:
hyschara (Dec 6, 2005)
I quite like the sky. It looks misty.
The water is far to contrasting when compared to the sky for me though. Maybe you could blur it down or do something to blend it? if you had made the sky in a similar way, i'd look good as well, probably^^
drawn in 27 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
sal (Dec 6, 2005)
2 comments – latest 2:
Caddris (Dec 6, 2005)
I like the nose a lot. Great shading on it. I also like the bright colors on the grey scale background.
IamaCunt (Dec 6, 2005)
Awesome, love the colors, hands, & face
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Darkling (Dec 6, 2005)
I looked at another picture I found on my computer, apparently titled "Darkfan" for some odd reason. The only thing these two have in common is a grayscale color scheme, a rocky shape, and a cloudy sky. Not even the same subject, to be truthful, but I did use it for coloring. I decided to try a landscape. It definitely needs work, but I'm trying to get used to using a mouse. Anybody have tablet reccomendations? PLEASE? ^^;
1 comment – latest 1:
davincipoppalag (Dec 6, 2005)
Most seem to buy the Wacom Graphire..I have an's been ok..some have trouble with them.
drawn in 21 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
vertex (Dec 6, 2005)
the birds have flown south
2 comments – latest 2:
Punky (Dec 6, 2005)
I like the colors, but maybe you shouldn't have outlined the clouds.
vertex (Feb 1, 2006)
ya that is true
drawn in 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Day-chan (Dec 5, 2005)

Edit: Omfg, I use to be such a bewb in the good old days.
5 comments – latest 4:
xiau (Dec 6, 2005)
OMG Day-chan is alive!
I was looking through your gallery the other day and was wishing you'd come back and draw us some more stuff!
...of course, I was never actually here when you were. I just stumbled into your gallery :D
Maiko (Dec 6, 2005)
but Mar-ness is Day chan O_O so she technically is back and drawing....

Kakashi_Hitake (Dec 6, 2005)
nice pic ^^

nice to meet u ^^

wb back to 2draw^^
xiau (edited Dec 6, 2005)
Ohhhhh...yes. Should have thought about that.
Haha. I feel stupid now XD
drawn in 2 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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