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michaeleverett (Dec 9, 2005)
I love fantasy art also.(Rodger Dean,who did all the Yes covers,Borris Valeo,that sort of thing.)
3 comments – latest 3:
TRIP (Dec 9, 2005)
The shapes are well defined in this image; looks like water 3/4ths down (?). Lovley
Rosemary (Dec 10, 2005)
nice picture...good to see you drawing here..:)
Sweetcell (Dec 17, 2005)
glorious, it looks like rubies in the background slowly melting into the water, amazing, what are you ising to get these effects? I suppose your NOt on begginer... outstanding Micheal.
drawn in 1 hour with Lascaux Sketch Classic
AzomiaLoverofAllAnime (Dec 9, 2005)
Merry Christmas, one and all~! ^_^ *hughughug, throws snow confetti*
2 comments – latest 2:
kristine (Dec 9, 2005)
merry christams to you too :)
I_Am_Me_Only_Me (Dec 9, 2005)
Merry christmas!!! >XD And happy new year! -From Gwen-chan!
drawn in 2 hours 44 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
komugimaro (Dec 9, 2005)
mrow didnt take this long was trying to pick a pic to paint lol
drawn in 1 hour 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
bjorkChild (Dec 9, 2005)
This is inspired by the song "Aeroplane over the Sea" by Neutral Milk Hotel. The certain phrase that inspired it was "And one day we will die/and our ashes will fly from the Aeroplane over the sea". It's a very pretty song. It's simple, and not very good, but the message behind it is powerful. Hope you liked ^^'
3 comments – latest 3:
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Dec 9, 2005)
that's really pretty :3
friend (Dec 9, 2005)
Lol, are you from England? hehe i like the way the spell "aeroplane". This is a great picture! The aeroplane looks a lot like one of those tripods from War of the Worlds.
mybettastorm (Dec 9, 2005)
This is a pretty cool picture, if I don't say so myself. ;D
drawn in 27 min with PaintBBS
Bleeding_Freely (Dec 9, 2005)
Erm, yeah. A first shot at this program thingy. I'll try and do real cool pictures later, but for now this is my coolness. Wo0t. Fear my below beginner skill level.
drawn in 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
michaeleverett (Dec 9, 2005)
A song by David Bowie.(It help inspire me.)
3 comments – latest 3:
Punky (edited Dec 9, 2005)
Whoa. This is great, I enjoy the colors and the grey fading into yellow parts. Nice job, this really reminds me of a reflection in calm water.
Felistorm (Dec 9, 2005)
I love how you can see a figure but if you look TOO hard it becomes something else. beautiful coloring.
Sweetcell (Dec 17, 2005)
found you micheal, I came over from youdraw to try the board and had a hell of a time figuring out how to find your gallery, now that I have wow, I knew you were good my friend, but wow, do I have a lot to learn, look forward to seeing all your stuff here, this is just wonderful, see you at Youdraw.
drawn in 1 hour 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
101_Torchic_101 (Dec 9, 2005)
(^.^); I never drew ANY Naruto stuff so it probably doesn't look right..(and i know thatsasuke's arm is too long..)..LOL!..But isn't it funny?
10 comments – latest 4:
xiau (Dec 9, 2005)
(Sasuke and Naruto wake up...and not in the same bed OR room OR house, mind you.) OMFG NIGHTMARES! <_<

Nice coloring, nonetheless.
101_Torchic_101 (edited Dec 9, 2005)
Thanks..(would be nice if they woke up in ATLEAST the same house..same room would be okay..same bed would be MUCH better :P)
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Dec 9, 2005)
*drools* that would be teh hottest :3
101_Torchic_101 (Dec 9, 2005)
(^.^) teehee.
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
michaeleverett (Dec 9, 2005)
Inspired by Music
4 comments – latest 4:
friend (Dec 9, 2005)
This is really good! Great style!
zep (Dec 9, 2005)
hi there michael...nice draw :)
mybettastorm (Dec 9, 2005)
This is pretty cool, aspecially the fact that you got inspired by music. I think that is cool way to draw things. ^^
LisaAnne (edited Dec 9, 2005)
I dig it...I hope solve sees this. Did you use all circles?
drawn in 46 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
marini135 (Dec 9, 2005)
finish later
4 comments – latest 4:
destiny14 (Dec 9, 2005)
i think this is very good
Bleeding_Freely (Dec 9, 2005)
Tis cool. seems kind off, but in a nice way.
renire (Dec 11, 2005)
The tears are cool. And her top is definately good! :D
voodoobunny (Dec 11, 2005)
It needs more shading :/
drawn in 18 min with PaintBBS
NemesisT (Dec 9, 2005)
eh ?
drawn in 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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