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Harry_Kewell (Aug 11, 2006)
Harry Kewell Pepsi Advert
5 comments – latest 4:
StankyShitStain (Aug 11, 2006)
is that a penis in his hand 8===D
shining_star_sam (Aug 11, 2006)
Sod off StankyShitStain and take you're crudeness elsewhere.
Well done Kyle. Looks like it's gona turn out well when you're done. xXxXx
Sweetcell (Aug 11, 2006)
Seems we're having an excessive amount of manure on this site. First Poo poo now stanky. Did you have to get 2 accounts to troll with?

Did that myself when I was younger. Stupid thing to do I know.
bad_choices1569 (Aug 13, 2006)
Very good so far, I personally can't wait until it's finished :D.
drawn in 3 hours 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Alethea-sama (Aug 10, 2006)
That is a sucker, not a cig, in his mouth, k? Watercolors = So very awesome.
Give me color suggestions if you want, and i'll be back on later to finish.
If you dont like yaoi, I dont care ^__^
10 comments – latest 4:
squee (Aug 11, 2006)
Damn. This is hot! xD SMOKIN'! I love you :o Draw more yaoi! xD!!
StankyShitStain (Aug 11, 2006)
anime is for fat mexicans
xiau (Aug 11, 2006)
I'm a super super skinny half Mexican who likes anime, so I guess you're close. Or something xD;
This is pretty, and I love the colors you used. I'm not a shonen-ai/yaoi fan, but I do like this picture.
dietsoda (Aug 11, 2006)
Damn, this picture looks tight! Awesome style/drawing, and even awesomer coloring.
drawn in 2 hours 58 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Unblessed_Love (Aug 4, 2006)
Hai All, this is my first post here~ :3 I hope you enjoy...the Uhm...WIPness n___n;; the timer lies, take away 1 hour away from eet >< (because of lunch and chores) |D; I might delete this and redo it :/ im not too proud with it, since that i haven't oekakied in 7-9 months (Wow...long) if you don't think this is appropriate for this board feel free to delete, my mouse is killing my hand T___T;; anyways, This is my D.N.Angel Charrie, ^-^; Dank choo~ and Enjoy, please commentness~ :3
9 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Aug 11, 2006)
It's a good first picture, I like the lace as well, and how you did the right side of her hair, and those cute little wings. It's always best to start on begginer till you get to know the tools and how the appelets work, but it's better than a lot of firsts here (you should see my first picture) Keep going, and welcome.
christiangirl (Aug 11, 2006)
Oh my dear.. It doesn't matter. If it was your first post, why in intermediate? I know I'm very talented but I DO know what is quality. I like this picture however, It's better than anything I've done on here. I don't do digital artworks. My medium is photography, photomanip, and drawing with a good 'ol pencil and paper.
Fiesta (edited Aug 12, 2006)
ChristainGirl: First off could you see this on the begginer board? If you are going to make rude comments about things you dont know about then shut your trap.Theres a girl who posted a picture on Advanced as her first picture. This is amazing the tones and the line-art. And if you dont like drawing here why dont you go draw with pencil and paper intsead of these rude comments.
Unblessed_Love: Amazing picture the tones are bootifull. XD But I do agree with fleeting about the hair if you fix that all love it more. I absoulutly love your lineart. Great picture and keep up the good work.
Kairily (Feb 3, 2007)
Sorry to bring up an old picture and all.. BUT... What I said was in no way meant to be rude.
...Not exactly Intermediate Board material...
How is that rude? I could understand if I had said 'this is shit' which would be untrue. I said I liked the picture and I said it was better that I've ever done. I DO like drawing on here and I AM improving. I understand people who post on the advanced boards on their first post do so because they are at that level. The tones are great in this picture. No need to attack me okay? Sure, the anatomy needs a little works and little corrections could be made. Please don't attack me, I didn't do anything.
drawn in 9 hours 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
squee (Aug 11, 2006)
Will you still hold me when you see what I have done?
Will you still kiss me the same?
When you taste my bitter blood.

5 comments – latest 4:
squee (Aug 11, 2006)
Goblet of Life, as he claims it to be xD
Sweetcell (Aug 11, 2006)
Like this one. The backgrounds interesting and the hair colors lush. Maybe just some highlights one the blood to make it pop.
poison_ivy (Aug 13, 2006)
mm...this is sooo dark...m lovin it!!! and love the description to...
squee (Aug 24, 2006)
drawn in 2 min
... highlights on the blood, the stupid mouse effed them up
drawn in 1 hour 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Harry_Kewell (Jul 25, 2006)
Christina Aguilera at Vanity Fair picture used for reference.
15 comments – latest 4:
Harry_Kewell (Aug 9, 2006)
drawn in 24 min
Moved the chin over a bit so its more in proportion....sorta :P
shining_star_sam (Aug 9, 2006)
That's better. Well done Kyle! It's teh shex <3
davincipoppalag (Aug 11, 2006)
I think you did a fine job on this. I see her face there, and that hand looks great
Pantera (Aug 12, 2006)
wow, looks just like her, great job :)
drawn in 5 hours 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
eevildeeva (Aug 10, 2006)
1 comment – latest 1:
bad_choices1569 (Aug 13, 2006)
Wow, I don't know what it is about this but it really grabs my attetion, really nice job.
drawn in 1 hour 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
snow_child (Aug 10, 2006)
I hate colouring on here, that's why it took me so long to have just this. blah! why can't I make it water colory?
2 comments – latest 4:
squee (Aug 10, 2006)
SailorMoon?? This is great so far, I love tha hands.
cianteed2 (Aug 10, 2006)
Cool hair, I like the hands, too!
snow_child (Aug 11, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour 58 min
okay yeah. line art will be finished sometime tomorrow night. What do you think of the 80's hair lol
snow_child (Aug 12, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour
line art for sailor neptune
drawn in 4 hours 27 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
woah_pockster (Aug 10, 2006)
I was watching the Viva Forever music video today. xD
this was a lot of fun to do. =]

bring it to beginner is you want, I just wanted the space.<3
9 comments – latest 4:
cianteed2 (Aug 10, 2006)
Gorgeous, I love the concept.
woah_pockster (Aug 11, 2006)
thank you thank youu :DD I'm so flattered with all of these comments ^^ <33
Punky (Aug 12, 2006)
This is like, woah awesome.

I love love the lighting and the faeries. :D
HunterKiller_ (Oct 26, 2006)
Viva forever
I'll be waiting
Ever lasting
Like the Sun
... omg why do i know Spice Girls lyrics.
drawn in 37 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
woah_pockster (Aug 10, 2006)
I'm the fucking queen, bitch.

13+ for language and boobies.
16 comments – latest 4:
cianteed2 (Aug 10, 2006)
Awesome, just awesome. Love the style, love the use of colour, though sparce it may be, love the lineart, love everything!
woah_pockster (Aug 11, 2006)
lol thanks :D this was alot of fun to make <3
seraphtide (Aug 13, 2006)
wow, what a neat drawing. I'm expecially a fan of how you used the pink on the nipple, elbow and crown. Impressive!
patienceisoverrated (Aug 13, 2006)
The colours and patterns and flowy flowy hair are so preeeetty... I love this to little bitty pieces. It's all like, stylish.
drawn in 3 hours 25 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Akechi456 (Aug 10, 2006)
Sorry if this isn't intermediate skill.
I needed the space.x____x
This is a request from Gaia,and I still have 5 more.;_____; So I'll be drawing a lot more often in the near future.
1 comment – latest 1:
choc_gum_dropz (Aug 10, 2006)
I never drew on the intermediate board..I don't feel I deserve to...But I would have to say I think this is good enough for it! so ha! and poo on them if they say otherwise!
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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