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Darkempire91 (Aug 22, 2003)
Just looked at M.C. Cracka swords and thought wow,would it be cool to draw a sword like his so i did.
1 comment – latest 1:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 22, 2003)
so... you ripped of someone else's picture and added odd patches of orange around it?
drawn in 22 min with OekakiBBS
Loogie (Aug 8, 2003)
If you can tell me what this is and what game its from I'll give you a cookie
14 comments – latest 4:
Fin_beast (edited Aug 9, 2003)
its called sumthin like that.
Ive tried 2 draw them many a time but i never succeeded. Im glad somebody has ";
Gothic_Otaku (edited Aug 9, 2003)
I used to be obsessed with oddworld...on it's a SCRAB. You should draw a paramite. I'm not obsessed with it anymore.......or until the next game comes out =^.^=
Serchul (edited Aug 9, 2003)
I like the Paramites, it is great fun controlling them!
What about those overlord things, Those who smoked cigars.. I have no idea what they were called.. Oh well.
Gothic_Otaku (edited Aug 22, 2003)
Glukkons. They're ALSO fun to control.
drawn in 17 min with PaintBBS
strangeoid (Aug 18, 2003)
This took seven edits. That's the most I've ever done in MY LIFE, not just on 2draw. I really like it.
3 comments – latest 3:
Ameraq (edited Aug 19, 2003)
oooh. looking good.
*stares* fire.... Fire... heheheheh.... *torches random marshmellow*
strangeoid (edited Aug 22, 2003)
oh, that reminds me! did you know that roasted peeps are really good? Hehehe(cough)hehe(snort)he. It's fun to watch the little birdies catch fire and carmelize... (sorry, I'm a bit of a pyro)

Edit: The scales are taking forever.... ecky
Aunvi (edited Aug 24, 2003)
hehe green and red *remembers Snowball fights when it snowed*

ok so I lied, I shall comment right now because it looks close to being done.

edit> see strangeiod? your dragon is still heren And it looks awesome.
drawn in 5 hours 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Zappo (Aug 20, 2003)
And we know that our hearts are just made out of strings, To be pulled
3 comments – latest 3:
Marienkind (edited Aug 21, 2003)
the janitors of the heart? gawd, zappo, it's so pretty.
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 22, 2003)
"...strings, to be pulled"? if you say so.
great piece, but you nearly ruined it with that piece psuedo 'complex' teenager in chrisis crap.
I, obviously, don't have a heart. :D
EDITL thank god, zappo. my tired brain wouldn't have been able to handle it if you became on of those "i'm always down and out because my boyfriend/girlfriend left me and my friends are jerks" personalities. so zappo, what CD was this on? (if it was celine dion, maybe you should keep it to yourself)
Zappo (edited Aug 24, 2003)
piece psuedo 'complex' teenager in chrisis crap?,,, Maybe i should explain something...most of the time when i say something thats a complete sentance and without typos its not myown....I just found a CD today that I hadent Heard in about a year and that was one lyric...So out of a whim I put it there......
Edit: LMFAO oh man thats good stuff lol Its called the Moon and Antartica by Modest Mouse
drawn in 27 min with OekakiBBS
rosalyn (Aug 18, 2003)
Ern.....I am soo sun burnt! I can't even move besides typing...ou....this is the last time ros goes on a vacation....
5 comments – latest 4:
raenboe (edited Aug 18, 2003)
Poor Rosalyn...I hope your sunburn heals soon! I miss you alot! This is great! You're very good at furries!
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 19, 2003)
ros, oh, ros. you have disapointed me by drawing a... furry. glad you're back, though, even if you DID draw a furry.
strangeoid (edited Aug 22, 2003)
Aw... poor thing. I've been there. >_< (I live where it is now past 8 at night and still over 80 degrees). If the sinburn really hurts you, get aloe vera with lidocaine. Miracle worker, I swear. :)

Edit: YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO ALOE VERA??!!! How will you survive??? Never move to california... you will die of skin cancer........ Poor Rosalyn. That is sad.
forgotten-memory (edited Aug 22, 2003)
I'm allergic to aloe vera...that means when I get a sunburn I have nothing to do but take a cold shower. good thing for me I like cold showers.

*sigh* for a furry, its good....but then its a furry....=S i like the starfish on the suitcase and that thing that looks like it could be sea weed poking out the side of the suitcase. hehe..
drawn in 1 hour 17 min with PaintBBS
rydicanubis (Aug 20, 2003)
not my best work, but i hope he enjoys it...
7 comments – latest 4:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 22, 2003)
there you go. now we've all seen that zappo is nothing more than an inanimate object. :P
EDIT: unfotunately, miss Forgotten, the Zappo is a brand of it's own. it's like "Folex Botch Co.". It's very classy
Zappo (edited Aug 20, 2003)
Who snatched me?
lol a big thanks to you Rydicanbuis!
And as for me being an inadimate object....well.....well......well? I forgot what I was going to say!
kaT (edited Aug 21, 2003)
forgotten-memory (edited Aug 22, 2003)
ha ha, zap...inanimate objects don't have memories. ;>

btw...when do these Zappo Zippos come into stores near me? I want one!
drawn in 26 min with OekakiBBS
_Neko_Sama_ (Aug 20, 2003)
[translation:I've completed my destined task of posting 12 drawings of cats in as short a timespan as possible while attempting to to be spam] Estimated time for all of the Birth-cats to be drawn: 11 hrs. 50 min.

If you were born in May, you are a russian blue, and your color is light cadet blue.

[translation: I should mention that my capslock key is stuck, and thus I would like to bug you about the problem in guise of some other reason.]
7 comments – latest 4:
Kazukie (edited Aug 21, 2003)
I always thought may was dark green.. -gets confused- I don't know what part of the comment is Marcello and which is actually the artist! ><;
marcello (edited Aug 21, 2003)
the stuff in []'s
Genkaiart37 (edited Aug 21, 2003)
oooo, my favorite yet, although i'm july
_Neko_Sama_ (edited Aug 21, 2003)
I never ever ever said anything in the []s............ Jeez, at least I'm done now, okay?
drawn in 35 min with OekakiBBS
Aunvi (Aug 21, 2003)
not yet don't guess yet!!! I'm not done.

edit> I can't continue the pic but I'm satisfied and now I'll just say it's done. It still is kinda messy tho.
5 comments – latest 4:
Minitsaru (edited Aug 21, 2003)
jin or kazuya from tekken =P am i right?
Aunvi (edited Aug 21, 2003)
yep Minitsaru you got it! Sooo here's a cookie *hands Minitsaru cookie*
Minitsaru (edited Aug 21, 2003)
*munch munch* thankz =)
Knockoff (edited Aug 21, 2003)
Woow This is great. Great job aunvi!
drawn in 2 hours 50 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Aunvi (Aug 20, 2003)
Like the title says......not done

edit> I'm getting there I just need a bg now. hmmm I think I need to get rid of some hair...

edit> ok it looks better without a bg so I'm done with this pic. hehe I made it look kinda like pencil.
3 comments – latest 3:
Ari (edited Aug 20, 2003)
Wow. Love this!!! The pencil-y look is great!!! :)
Hotaru-chan (edited Aug 20, 2003)
this is very cool!!!!! how do you make the pencily effect?!?

Minitsaru (edited Aug 21, 2003)
ooh, very cool! well done =) definately one of your best =)
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
kenshina (Aug 19, 2003)
nothing to say... (?) =_=....
5 comments – latest 4:
Hotaru-chan (edited Aug 19, 2003)
this is cool!!! I like the hair!!!

strangeoid (edited Aug 19, 2003)
WHOA... (distracted by pretty colors and spiffy eyes)... crazy....
Gothic_Otaku (edited Aug 20, 2003)
*o* nice.....shiny.....colors.......too....good......
raenboe (edited Aug 21, 2003)
oOoOoOoOo This is very good! I love the shading and shines on the hair! The background is very pretty too! The lineart is a tiny bit messy. This picture is great!
drawn in 1 hour 3 min with PaintBBS
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