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WhoopsieDaisy (Apr 27, 2005)
grace...any suggestions appreciated
5 comments – latest 4:
WhoopsieDaisy (Apr 27, 2005)
drawn in 37 min
wish i could figure out what do do with that other hand ><
TRIP (Apr 28, 2005)
Maybe just fan the fingers out in a straight-at-you perspective? it adds to the elegance of the figure :)
kejoco (Apr 28, 2005)
Great job on the ass fold :D
HunterKiller_ (Apr 29, 2005)
Haha! The first thing that came to my mind was her falling over and saying "Whoopsiedaisy" XD
I'm hilarious.
drawn in 3 hours 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
shudson (Apr 15, 2005)
The ruins of some ancient culture that used to be underwater.
7 comments – latest 4:
emmamommalag (Apr 27, 2005)
Whoa! That's so beautiful, especially the sky. I love your stuff, Sarah.. probably said that before. lol
davincipoppalag (Apr 27, 2005)
You are one of my favorites! I love this! Great imagination, and really well done!
two-na (Apr 27, 2005)
you win! maj0r
HunterKiller_ (Apr 29, 2005)
I absoluttly love all your pieces. Especially this one.
drawn in 3 hours 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
davincipoppalag (Apr 23, 2005)
These come out every 17 years.. noisy as hell and....uuuggglllyyyy
22 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 28, 2005)
More commonly known as the locust... I like the way they sound. Sorry, Pops, no can do with the .44... would be way overkill for that one... unless it's from one of those science fiction movies where it's like 5 times the size of a large building, then I can shoot it for you. My favorite part of this one is the bark and the shadows.
davincipoppalag (Apr 29, 2005)
I was happy with the branch and the shadows , too. guess I got lucky. Thanks..
marcello (Apr 29, 2005)
a texas girl saying something is overkill O_O
(checks temperature outside)
(nope, still not frozen)
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 1, 2005)
lol @ cello
drawn in 5 hours 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
zep (Apr 25, 2005)
18 comments – latest 4:
safescene (Apr 27, 2005)
Zep, your art makes me happy.
zep (Apr 27, 2005)
wow wow wow...thanks a lot people, what a nice words, you know i really appreciate ALL your comments, but i think that comment from safescene is by far my favorite, hope that be true :)
respyre (Apr 27, 2005)
this is amazing, even for you - since it would take too long for me to comment on all your pictures, i'll say it here - it's all wonderful.
zep (Apr 28, 2005)
thanks a lot respyre
drawn in 7 hours 6 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
sagenev (Apr 24, 2005)
music maraton
5 comments – latest 4:
featherstone (Apr 27, 2005)
your work rather rocks lately sage
davincipoppalag (Apr 27, 2005)
This is great sag, I WANT that book!
emmamommalag (Apr 27, 2005)
This is gorgeous, sagenev. Yeah, I can hardly wait for the book.
friend (Apr 27, 2005)
Sweet coloring!!! Is he like sharpening his bow? o wait thats a violin! It's awesome!
drawn in 4 hours 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
TRIP (Apr 26, 2005)
Pleased to Meet.

Here's some new meat for you to knaw on :)
Edit: Oh sorry, didnt quite meet the 2 hr limit :/ I'll conceptualize something that takes more time to paint next draw
8 comments – latest 4:
Childlike_Vampire (Apr 27, 2005)
Yeah, it's more about the art than how much we are impressed by a persons super amazing I've been to a million oekaki boards and I like totally know how to use the applets and policies and everybody loves me everywhere else talents. Hahaha I pretend anyways. Nice job! :D
davincipoppalag (Apr 27, 2005)
Your pictures will be enough!
emmamommalag (Apr 27, 2005)
Sure will.. this is quite amusing. :)
safescene (Apr 27, 2005)
Mmm, really like this stuff. Hope you don't decide on leaving any time soon.
drawn in 1 hour 41 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
zep and sagenev (Apr 6, 2005)
need a bg
8 comments – latest 4:
sagenev (Apr 26, 2005)
drawn in 24 min
cualesquiera futbolistas
zep (Apr 26, 2005)
drawn in 7 min
faltaron las nubes...
friend (Apr 27, 2005)
What are they doing? playing ring around the grandma?
Cordelia_Pink (Jul 25, 2005)
Ohhh I like the revisions and stuff. It's like the she's in different locations; like she's traveling. hehe good job!
drawn in 5 hours 52 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Fin_beast (Apr 24, 2005)
another one for my glow project.

The reference I used is a picture I took with my new camera. :) Cost me £300, but I'm very pleased with it. and i'm especially pleased with the macro options.
11 comments – latest 4:
Aubrey (Apr 24, 2005)
That's super bright, really neat flamey picture Fin for sure.
davincipoppalag (Apr 25, 2005)
This is a wonderful job Fin! The glow is spot on! Terrific@
The_Chosen (Apr 26, 2005)
Ooooh that`s good i love the little glowie thing you have going on ^_^
Animegirl250 (Apr 29, 2005)
nice work! congrats on yur camera work too!
drawn in 2 hours 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
WhoopsieDaisy (Apr 20, 2005)
work to do still...and sorry for posting this when i have another unfinished one posted already...i was inspired :D
9 comments – latest 4:
Justin_Sane (Apr 24, 2005)
Nice pic....My tips are as follows .........Try to avoid the use of Black esp when doing shadows...for example underneath her chin.....we dont walk around with black lines under our chins do we ....if u know what i mean lol....secondly about eyes .........Many people inc myself at one time used to have this fixed image of an eye and translated this paper,i can give yer this much advice,dont concentrate too much on the eyelashes etc focus on the eye itself then build around it,taking care in noticing how the eye sits and how the lids shape around it ,Get a feel for the eye,imagine it opening and closing i know this sounds weird but it works for me.Your skin tones are nice :)
featherstone (Apr 25, 2005)
this is great
sincity (Apr 25, 2005)
Very well done. Cute pic. :}
emmamommalag (Jun 7, 2005)
I love the skin tones and the mouth in this picture.
drawn in 2 hours 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
20ark (Apr 23, 2005)
For smelling of course.

A deadly mercenary duo. An android male and an alien female. They're hunting the last human survivors in Cyborg City. He tracks them, she kills them. Not many humans survive in Cyborg City.
2 comments – latest 2:
Zack (Apr 24, 2005)
I'm a fan of your work, to which this is a great addition. Fantastic choice of colors and shading. Funny how he's the cold-colored one but she's the coldhearted killer.
Punky (Apr 24, 2005)
this is wonderful! :) the coloring and shading... o0
fantastic job, i like robots... :)
drawn in 3 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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