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rosalyn (Sep 9, 2003)
Yes I have been neglecting my comp... Sorry! >:( I hope every one remembered Minitsaru's birthday today.. HAppy birthday!
3 comments – latest 3:
Marienkind (Sep 9, 2003)
glad to have you here again! now get to work and draw sexy stuff. :D

birthday? (has only been here since may) well, happy birthday, Minitsaru.
Knockoff (Sep 10, 2003)
Yes Who Could I forget. =P Anyways Nice drawing. ANd nice too see you back.......
Aunvi (Sep 10, 2003)
Yay rosalyn is back! How could we forget Minitsaru's birthday?
drawn in 21 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Fin_beast (Sep 10, 2003)
well its my icon thing....
2 comments – latest 2:
concannon (Sep 10, 2003)
Awwww. It's so cute! *huggles it* Poiple. And pink.
mazi (Sep 10, 2003)
awesome for such a small drawing
drawn in 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
lorchick (Sep 9, 2003)
mmhmm... fantastic.... it's an icon...
drawn in 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
jamjam (Sep 8, 2003)
drawn in 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
bladefist (Aug 26, 2003)
This should do for an icon... I saw it in my first successful lucid dream, but after only minutes, to my extreme aggravation upon *actually* waking, I woke up in the dream, so I didn't know I was still dreaming, the things are so real.
3 comments – latest 3:
quintessence (Aug 27, 2003)
Aw, very cute. It seems like maybe you should be able to see the other eye, but I'm completely ignorant when it comes to animals, so maybe it's perfect. *shrugs* Anyway, very nice coloring.
Korean_Pride (Sep 5, 2003)
Very nice... good concentration on where the light source is coming from... darn it Adam, why are you better at me than everything... cept Minesweeper :P
bladefist (Sep 8, 2003)
I will best you in that shortly, I assure you. It's not really fair if you mean it as a contest, I have tablet and practice. Not significant practice, but practice indeed.
drawn in 1 hour 6 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
AnimalRights (Aug 27, 2003)
This is going to be my icon for here. PaintBBS is very well suited to Pixelart. Pixelling's my main thing, I wonder why I don't do it more often on here....
4 comments – latest 4:
marcello (Aug 27, 2003)
Lascaux is better for pixelling, especially with a mouse. :)
AnimalRights (edited Aug 27, 2003)
Paint works faster than Lascaux for me. And I really don't need very many tools for pixelling, especially when they're so small. Anything really big (Click for a good example) I go straight to photoshop, though.
marcello (Aug 27, 2003)
I know, but as a pixel (albeit crappay) artist myself, I like it better, the middle click dragging, right click to switch between erase/draw, and eye dropper. .... anyway, whatever. :-)
ponpoko (Sep 7, 2003)
I like your style, it reminds me of the Amiga days. Especially that DJ picture... drool.
drawn in 22 min with PaintBBS
AznLiquidboy (Sep 4, 2003)
heh.. my penguin icon
2 comments – latest 2:
Hotaru-chan (Sep 6, 2003)
it's soooooo tiny, it's cute!!!! it looks squeezable!!! ( squeezes it like a squigi )

AnimalRights (Sep 7, 2003)
I'm almost certain I've seen that penguin before....
drawn in 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
realityincognito (Sep 6, 2003)
My icon
3 comments – latest 3:
Hotaru-chan (Sep 6, 2003)
did you know dude means infection on/in an elephant's butt?!?! o_O;

Gothic_Otaku (Sep 6, 2003)
I'll never use that word again! O_O
realityincognito (Sep 7, 2003)
*sigh* yeah...i knew. But c'mon! It's classic surfer term-age! Jeez, kids these days *shakes head*.
drawn in 14 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Ink (Sep 3, 2003)
meh icon.
+ rice is yummy. =P
1 comment – latest 1:
Hotaru-chan (Sep 6, 2003)
it's yummy looking!! may I eat?!? ( eats the rice and puts the bowl back )

drawn in 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
ShadowKitten (Sep 6, 2003)
Just My Icon
drawn in 2 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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