boardsbeginnerwould you adam and eve it?
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drawn in 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
cmb (Nov 3, 2006)
why did they go and eat that apple?
cmb (Nov 3, 2006)
drawn in 23 min
a_blue_orange (Nov 4, 2006)
i loove the background!
Ashes (Nov 4, 2006)
"My bad."
friend (edited Nov 4, 2006)
Except back then it would be like "Jiheloug hojisha"
cmb (Nov 4, 2006)
cheers all- sadly Im really awful at languages....
Noremac (Nov 4, 2006)
that's a butt
cmb (Nov 5, 2006)
well shes meant to be apple cheeked!
shults (edited Nov 25, 2006)
Try this: go to a 1 year old baby and tell him: play with this toy, but DONT push this red shiny beautiful button. I dont know if he'll wait until you sont look, but he'll push the button.
(i think.. it worked on my nephew Dush with our lights.. little different situation)
and if youre talking in civilization terms, eve was like a one year old girl, and less, she didnt even understood she was naked.

oh, and knowing a little of the bible lang, "my bad" sounds more like "taut Sheli" in our times, and more like "hatati milfanicha" at her times. (I sinned to you)
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