boardsintermediate(unfinished) LINEART?PERHAPS?
watch animation - % - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 28 min with OekakiBBS
Zappo (Jul 26, 2003)
Its supposed to be a dinjin <- Spelling?
Dogammit dirty rat basterd oekaki I hate you so.......I didn't messwith the layers this time so what could have went wrong???
Zappo (Jul 26, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
marcello (edited Jul 26, 2003)
dude, what's wrong is you're using a shitty applet.
rydicanubis (edited Jul 28, 2003)
marcello i must disagree.... oekaki can be very delicate and forgiving once you get used to it.
i find it completely fine to work with, in fact i prefer it over paint.

but that's just me... :)
marcello (edited Jul 29, 2003)
and that's the only reason I haven't removed it
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