boardsbeginnerThis is for SYTHE/ the Nintendo Hater

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drawn in 15 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
ssmario100 (May 20, 2006)
Yo man, forget about the memo I sent you, I just saw what you wrote on my to pics dawg, and I don't like it, man. If you don't like my pics don't look, and or comment on any of them! I came here to draw what I like, and I love Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog, and you can't me what a dang thing of what to draw, or how to do it,because I came here to draw what I love and what I feel and would like you know nice comments, But man, If you don't like my pics thou don't comment because I don't want to here it. I'm sorry for others who have to see me like this, because I'm mostly a good natured person, but when he got on nintendo characters, its like he hates me because this is me.
ssmario100 (May 20, 2006)
drawn in 15 min
Zappo (edited May 20, 2006)
I agree although ,and sorry, im not a huge fan, you should have the right to draw whatever you want. salga al rey sólo si él quiere dibujar pics jodida de ninendo que él puede de hecho yo lo encuentro chistoso, but you should also take into account that some of the people here are trying to help you and are just giving advice, and when in doubt spend more time on them zoom in and perfect a small spot, i started getting better at oekaki by exparementing especially with the watercolor 2 tool, just set that thing at 12 thickness and 45 pressure and click away just be sure to use lots of colors to blend it well!
kizpov (May 20, 2006)
yeah man, keep doing what you're doing. =D
ShadowXrouge (edited May 20, 2006)
I recommend you doing the backround first or using layers to get rid of the little white specks around the character. That is also why I don't use fill it makes it look messy
Kraisa (May 20, 2006)
Try drawing the outline on one layer and then coloring on the layer under the can erase on the places you go out of the lines without messing up the outline that way. Then you can add the background seperately on another layer...and squish it all together when done...
also...why do your Mario characters have mullets?...just curious...
SYTHE (May 20, 2006)
Viva la Xbox!
kristine (May 20, 2006)
woo :D
Anna (Sep 25, 2006)
lmao, kraisa... i was thinking the same thing. it's like... Mario, Joe Dirt style
Nyuusen (Sep 25, 2006)
Xbox sucks. XP but...Mario doesn't have long hair, and I think you use the fill tool too much.
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