boardsbeginnerOh no!
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drawn in 1 hour 3 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Pakasutemanshikuka (Dec 5, 2005)
My tablet pen is broken.. ;O; I can draw with it still, but it is broken! I wonder when does it broken bad.. I am so sad. I thought was I going to cry or something -____o;;
Well, it's me in the drawing..

..and I like this one! =D;;
Pakasutemanshikuka (Dec 5, 2005)
drawn in 1 hour 3 min
Axil62 (Dec 5, 2005)
Whudja do, bust it? Damn kids can't have nuthin nice around here.
Shoebox (Dec 5, 2005)
XD I like the expressionl this would be a great icon, I personally think it looks best in the thumbnail ^^

Great eyes... love the hairstyle.

(My Stylus needs a new nib <.< darned thing's so worn down sometimes it gets stuck in the pen.)
nekodesu (Dec 5, 2005)
Aww...hope you get a replacement soon :D Oh and nice pic.

*question: Where do you buy spare nibs?
Shoebox (Dec 5, 2005)
*Answer: Not sure XD mean to look online sometime...
Felistorm (Dec 5, 2005)
Like this one. I would try TigerDirect. They might have some. I need to look into that myself for future purposes. :P
vigilante (Dec 5, 2005)
repair or by a new one soon so i can burgle into your house and draw. *evil grin*
Pakasutemanshikuka (Dec 5, 2005)
Thankies =)
I am not that mad I'd buy a new one, 'cause I got my tablet for free and it still does work.. DX
vigilante (Dec 5, 2005)
are ya sure ? anyways. i'm happy for you
voodoobunny (Dec 7, 2005)
Those lips are strange .___.
But I really like teh hair :3
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