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drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
The_Chosen (May 24, 2005)
Trying something new again. I’ve been trying new styles a lot lately. *Hides from the newness* ...hope you likes ^_^
The_Chosen (May 24, 2005)
drawn in 1 hour 5 min
davincipoppalag (May 24, 2005)
Oh nice golden dragon. I like it
kejoco (May 24, 2005)
Looks nice, but you might want to either darken the dragon or the background
as it is now they kind of just blur together. The dragon is not should stand out a little
You might want to define the light source as well, seems to me there is some conflicting shadows.
Other than that, its a cool looking bad ass dragon
Heiros (May 24, 2005)
The dragon looks really cool like it was hand drawn.
PolythenePam (May 24, 2005)
Awesome dragon. I kinda like that it's similar colours as the background...camoflague or something, heh :)
Xodiak (May 24, 2005)
I like the similar colours too! Because it looks more like an emblem... if that makes sense. <:D
friend (May 24, 2005)
AWESOME this is.
HunterKiller_ (May 25, 2005)
Really great dragon. Awesome choice and use of colours, monochromes are awesome. Really dig the wings.
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