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drawn in 2 hours 46 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Kraisa (May 12, 2005)
I wish I could draw people
Kraisa (May 12, 2005)
drawn in 1 hour 30 min
Kraisa (May 12, 2005)
drawn in 31 min
Kraisa (May 13, 2005)
drawn in 30 min
grrrr I can't do the stinkin' ear...
Kraisa (May 14, 2005)
drawn in 13 min
ok, I am done, I didn't use a single reference, its all from my head and well, I can't seem to picture an ear quite right. stoopid head. I think I am going to try a reference next time.
emmamommalag (May 14, 2005)
It looks to me like you CAN draw people.. very nicely.
StrawberryPaintbrush (May 14, 2005)
I like how it looks so soft. Is his left eye supposed to be that way.....?
davincipoppalag (May 14, 2005)
I think you did a great job doing this. What makes you think you can't draw people! It's obvious you can!
Kraisa (May 14, 2005)
Yes the left eye is supposed to be that way, like a cataract. I figue he is pretty well blind on that side, and yeah it is brown not blue. My people are no where near the caliber of others people on this site. I have a very hard time with them, and they never seem to come out as realistic as others. Thats why I don't think that I can draw people. It just seems to me that this piece is nice, but it is nothing special. I would pass over it in a group.
Kenshin (May 14, 2005)
Don't use the dodge and burn tool.
p3ndragon (May 14, 2005)
No reference, eh?
I think ima have to get out my whacking stick.
I didn't notice if you used them, but if you did, don't use the dodge and burn tools.
They just take out the color and add black/white.. I think...
Anyways, your colors will be way better if you pick out colors instead of dodging and/or burning them. They are looking good though. :P
But yeah... I envy you.
Kraisa (May 14, 2005)
I like the dodge and burn tools, and I think my coloring is nice. I just can't seem to get the shape of faces right.
sincity (May 14, 2005)
I believe you do fine at drawing people. :}
Anna (May 14, 2005)
I think I'd have to agree with Kenshin and pendragon. Dodge and Burn tools can be kinda useful for some things, if used properly. But I don't think skin tones is one of those things. In my honest opinion, it just gives skin an overall unnatural, burned, and disordered appearance.
featherstone (May 15, 2005)
I think this came out good Kraisa... :)
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