boardsbeginnerDeja Vu Pic

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drawn in 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Cordelia_Pink (Oct 30, 2004)
For some odd reason it wouldn't let me upload the image when I revised it.

Here's the first version:Flower For You.
Cordelia_Pink (Oct 30, 2004)
drawn in 40 sec
davincipoppalag (Oct 30, 2004)
Well the first version is nice.. That 3D looking effect you did putting the flower on top is neat..
spiritdweller (Oct 31, 2004)
that's really pretty CP
SilverEntei (Oct 31, 2004)
I don't think it took you 40 seconds, did it?
kelly_lover (Oct 31, 2004)
40 seconds, hmm.
Gigge (Oct 31, 2004)
Those bubbles are neat.
Cordelia_Pink (edited Oct 31, 2004)
No, guys, it didn't take me 40 secs. (The stupid thing got messed up!!!!!!!!) In fact, it took me like an hour and a half. lol I revised this image but it didn't let me upload. So I opened a new applet and then it let me opened the temporary image which was the revised image of my last picture (if you take a look at my gallery in the 3rd quarter. It's called "Flower 4 U" <--this also took me more than an hour so altogether this picture was done more than 2 hours lol. This is the revised image. I hope the mods won't complain. I'm not cheating! It was the only way that works. (I clicked upload twice but then right after it was loading, it showed up something else and then I clicked yes and it didn't do anything after that. I don't get it!!!) So yeah people. Don't be fooled by the duration. lol like I could do this in 40 secs. Magic trick, yes. lol
Anna (Oct 31, 2004)
aww it's purdy, Cordelia. I like your use of color. It's always bright and captures attention.
Asridaein (Nov 3, 2004)
I love the bubbles. BUBBLES BUBBLES BUBBLES! MY bubbles!
Cordelia_Pink (Nov 4, 2004)
lol @ Asridaein. Hmm... I think that came from Finding Nemo. The yellow fish lol. Oh and thanks. =) I love bubbles too. =)
Cordelia_Pink (Feb 1, 2008)
drawn in 2 min
Cordelia_Pink (Dec 31, 2008)
drawn in 11 min
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