boardsbeginnerhow's this eye?
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drawn in 24 min with PaintBBS
Minitsaru (Jan 27, 2003)
i drew the eye... than i drew the face :)... well thats what i think i did any way......

hows the new look for the eye? the face is just there for..... to make the pic look more complete than my last eye test :)
Minitsaru (Jan 27, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Azelrellon (edited Jan 27, 2003)
It's very suiting of your entire style, and it matches the person it is posessed by.
Great. Now... WHERE IS HIS MOUTH!?! 'x' Eeep! ^_^
Minitsaru (edited Jan 28, 2003)
i couldent fit the mouth in the pic.... do u think its a good idea if i draw sumthing by hand than i use it as a point of refrence for when i draw on the cpu? im just wondering, cuz thats what i might do.
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