forums2draw.netThe 2Draw Fighting Tournament!
Kloxboy (edited Jun 15, 2004)
To make it easier for everyone I typed up a more concise breakdown of the collab battle rules. I revised and changed some rules so make sure you read this even if you read the other "Collab Battle" post.

The 2Draw Fighting Tournament: Instructions, Rules and General Information

General Idea:

This is a fighting tournament based on video games such as Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter (or whatever game your familiar with). These fights are collaboration drawings between two 2Drawer's, each person drawing a character to battle via the system/rules I've outlined below.

Each match will consist of 4 drawings. The first drawing is the introduction of the characters and the "FIGHT!" sign/warning. The 2nd and 3rd drawings/collabs will allow each character to unleash a power/move. You must collab on each power/move piece. One person draws a power/move being unleashed, the other opponent receiving the move/power will draw their character's reaction, I suggest you ask your opponent how they would like the character to react to the power/move. No power/move should totally obliterate your opponent till the match is voted on.

The vote decides who wins the match, I would expect anyone who participates in the tournament to vote on each match, but everyone on 2Draw can vote too. The winning character will draw a fatality or celebration drawing for the 4th and final piece of that match. The winner of the match may collab with the loser to draw the 4th piece or just draw it alone, it's up to the winner.

4th & Final Piece: The Winner Takes Down The Loser

If the winner wishes to draw the 4th piece alone, they can draw anything they wish, be it a fatality, celebration or whatever. They can draw their character eating the opponent's face or beheading him or having sex with the losers skull, WHATEVER THEY WANT! Keep this in mind, if you lose, you LOSE BIG! The loser's character may be totally abused in the 4th drawing, I don't want to hear about it either, take it like a man (or woman). You lost, the winner has rights to your total destruction in the 4th piece.

Rules and Guidelines

Your characters must stay the same throughout each match and tournament, you can't add powers, weapons, etc. at any time. You're allowed 3 powers/moves max throughout the tournament. The more diverse your powers the better. Use the power you feel works best on that particular opponent.

Each drawing will start with a background and a game like interface, one of you draws the interface, the other person draws the background. The background can be anything, as long as it has a foreground where the fighting characters can stand. A cool idea suggested by Zach is that each opponent draw's his/her character's homeland for the background in one of the rounds. The game interface can have power levels, lives, avatars/portraits, whatever you think should be included, this usually shows up on top of fighting games (duh).

Each of the 2 characters should not take up more than 40%-60% of the drawing area, so you each have a somewhat equal drawing area.

NO invincible characters, I would hope you knew that by now. Don't submit a character that has God like powers or a character like 'The Invincible Energy Orb' or some being that's obviously not going to wastes it's time fighting in the first place. Also, try to keep it semi serious, don't submit a character that's obviously lame or a joke, like The Giant Penis Man or The Mighty Piece of Bread or some goofy crap like that, be creative though. IF you do something semi comical be sure it's unique and not someone else's character. Don't draw SpongeBob or someone else's popular character just to get votes, that's lame and none of your opponents will respect you, I won't anyway.

Fights that totally stray away from the rules above will be disqualified from The 2Draw Fighting Tournament. I don't want the tournament to be held down by too many rules but some organization gives it more legitimacy. Also, announce your matches so I can keep track of who is actually in the The 2Draw Fighting Tournament and who is just fighting for fun.

What you can vote for in The 2Draw Fighting Tournament:

First off and most important, we need to vote for who wins each battle/match. The more votes the better!

When voting for battle winners consider these qualities, you don't have to base your votes on these qualities but please vote honestly, don't vote for someone because they're your friend or any biased bullshit like that.

- How creative the character is.
- How well the character is drawn/rendered.
- How original/unique the power/move is.
- How destructive the power/move is.

In addition you can vote for these categories after The 2Draw Fighting Tournament is finished:

- Best Character Design
- Ugliest Character
- Strangest Character
- Sexiest Character
- Best Fatality
- Best Celebration

You can vote for these categories once the whole tournament is finished. The voting instructions and list of characters will be posted here on Main Forums/General board, it will be a public vote on the forum.

Unofficially these 2Draw members are participating in The 2Draw Fighting Tournament. Consider using this list to contact a potential opponent:



The Zack vs Cloxboy match is now a DEMO because it's the first fight and should help everyone get a feel of what the fights might look like, you can still vote on this match but it will not be part of the actual tournament:

Zack vs Cloxboy Introduction
Cloxboy Power Move 1

Childlike_Vampire vs Fin_Beast Introduction

Ty854 vs Minitsaru Introduction

Rule Change
Regarding the interface, one person can draw the interface in the first drawing and the other person can draw it on the 4th, so we would only have to draw 2 interfaces. Also, you don't have to draw the same background, you can change it up as much as you want, just make sure the background allows the fighters room to be displayed and fight.

This is the first tournament we're bound to run into little problems and things that we've not considered yet. I just want to get some battles going.

If this tournament goes well I'll make the next one a bit more complex and organized.

Any questions or comments? Post them here or memo me.
davincipoppalag (Jun 9, 2004)
I dont know either game, but this will be fun to watch!
Childlike_Vampire (Jun 9, 2004)
Oh this is so exciting, lol. I'm so in. What an amazingly fun and ingenious idea, Clox. It's just awesome. lol. *dance dance*
Nanibunny (Jun 9, 2004)
Yeah, this is a really great idea. ^_^ Can I still join the tournament? Is there a set date for when it starts or anything like that yet?
Kloxboy (Jun 9, 2004)
Remember to announce your fights here.
Fin_beast (Jun 9, 2004)
Childlike_Vampire VS Fin_Beast
Zack (Jun 10, 2004)
One quick question... should the interface be on every post including special moves? It seems like drawing the same interface (and possibly background) four times would get old fast. If you want to preserve the 'videogame feel' of this then that's understandable, but otherwise cutscene-style special moves would be more interesting for the artists. The interface would of course reappear in the last post to frame the action, so to speak.
Kloxboy (edited Jun 10, 2004)
First off, I posted a "Rule Change" (at the bottom of the rules page) regarding the interface and backgrounds.

I'm not sure what you mean by cutscene, Zack. Could you explain that in more detail. As long as you keep whatever you do as a collab (one piece, 2 people draw on it) do whatever you wish. We're getting there.
Zack (Jun 10, 2004)
Sorry, I must have missed your edit.

Essentially what I meant by 'cutscene' is that it could have a dynamic camera angle, as opposed to a straight-on fighting game view. But now that I think about it again, the straight-on view might be best, since we're trying to have fun rather than make dazzling artwork. I dunno. Guess you could leave it open as an option.

Having some friends over to grill in a few minutes, so I won't be able to get to drawing the interface until later tonight, but I have some interesting ideas for it. Heh heh... can't wait to see what character you use, especially considering the background.
Sandra (Jun 10, 2004)
Neat! I would like to join by my character would just be a regular girl.....who can kick butt. :)
Kloxboy (edited Jun 10, 2004)
HEH, ok Sandra, I'll add you. If you battle us as well as you fight the mods you will do just fine.

Edit: Zack, great idea. I'm down with the whole concept.
Minitsaru (Jun 10, 2004)
Ty854 vs Minitsaru
*Is having second thoughts of seeing "Minitsaru" mutaliated* (I just know I spelt that wrong)
Fin_beast (Jun 10, 2004)
Omg Clox that's some funny shit. lol. :P
Kloxboy (Jun 10, 2004)
funny? funny how? what is so funny? I wanna know, am I funny? WTF is so funny? GOD DAMN IT!!!!
Fin_beast (Jun 11, 2004)
lol. Don't worry it was the comment about the mods and stuff.
sal (Jun 11, 2004)
i would also like to join if possible...
Kloxboy (edited Jun 11, 2004)
I'm linking the fights now, so you can see the action quicker, just look at the first post on this forum thread (duh).

EDIT: I hope more people start fighting soon. I know it's much more fun making-out on the beach and drinking till you puke but you have all summer to do that.
Zappo (Jun 12, 2004)
Whaaat!?!?!? count me in. A quick question. Can we borrow from comics?( Neil Gaimans sandman is my favorite charicrer of all time.)
Fin_beast (edited Jun 12, 2004)
"IF you do something semi comical be sure it's unique and not someone else's character."
Kloxboy (edited Jun 12, 2004)
No, you must come up with your own character. If you want to borrow a specific power from a comic character, just explain what it is exactly, if it's general enough and not completely ripping off the famous character, I'll probably say yes. For instance, I got this Super Saiyan like energy aura around my character, but in no way am have I copied the Dragon Ball Z characters physical attributes. Part of the challenge of this tournament is being creative and original, if you copy someone else's character, you'll be disqualified.

Edit: Oh yeah and I kinda already made that rule...apparently, thanks Fin_Beast.
Gigandas (Jun 12, 2004)
Clox, just wanted to say that you're character is awesome XDDD.....the young Father, hehe.
Kloxboy (edited Jun 12, 2004)
Hehe, thanks man, much appreciated. You should consider joining the tournament, you'd be a great addition. Please? hehe

Edit: No prob man. And yes, we'll need people to vote, otherwise 10-12 hours of work will be voted on by 3 people, that would be sad, hehe.
Gigandas (Jun 12, 2004)
I'd do it but the thing is I really can't do all that fancy lettering and pixelated art^^;.If I could, I'd already have been in.I'll try to be a part of the voting crew though.
Thear (edited Jun 13, 2004)
can anybody vote or is there some kinda "voting crew"?

edit: uh...sorry...i missed that =(
Kloxboy (Jun 13, 2004)
Make sure you read the rules before you post a question. It states in the rules post above:

"The vote decides who wins the match, I would expect anyone who participates in the tournament to vote on each match, but everyone on 2Draw can vote too."
Look (Jun 15, 2004)
I want to participate! ^ ^
Kloxboy (edited Jun 15, 2004)
Look, you're in. Good addition by far.
Childlike_Vampire (Jun 19, 2004)
Hm...I have a few things I was wondering/wanting to put forward or something...

Do you think it is nessesary to draw the beginning "FIGHT!" scene with every new battle? Because if you are using the same character, you will probably just be drawing the same pose on a different bg. *shrug*

Also, I think you should add, iffn you want, a few "extra" things to vote on..."Best interface" and "Best Background".

lol, okie, got my thoughts out there. *feels better*

P.s. I'm still just as excited about this idea, I am just slow going because I have quite a few priorities to sort through lately. ^_^
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