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davincipoppalag (edited Feb 17, 2004)
This is one I did on another board where I am familiar with the tools and their controls. I hope to get as familiar with the 2Draw tools also, as I havent been able to get to the same level here yet
marcello (Feb 17, 2004)
All is I see is a forum with comments... no picture?
ky (edited Feb 17, 2004)
Harmanye (edited Feb 17, 2004)
Nice, and yes, much better than your 2draw version ^^;
The whitecaps (Eh, what they're callled?) are very well done, and I love lighthouses, too.
Thumbsup from me. What applet did you use?

I see, Marcello, but it isn't good to take things at face value too often, I thought perhaps it might have just be a storage directory (eck, if thats what you call them things) that was only named OekakiBBS.
marcello (Feb 17, 2004)
It says OekakiBBS... you do realize you can use both PaintBBS and OekakiBBS on 2draw (the two applets that oekakipoteto, which that site uses, has). So if your complaint is about tools, there's no difference here... just more choice.

As for the other one being better, you did use a significantly larger canvas, plus you spent over 2x as long on it... at least for a given individual, you can easily relate quality to time...
davincipoppalag (Feb 17, 2004)
No complaints Marcello..I know OekakiBBs and Paint BBS are here too..the layout is somewhat different and the settings..I will get used to them too.. I just wanted to post that pic to show that I can do it ..and I hope to do it here too... thanks all..
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