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Public Boards/Advanced 
shudson (Apr 24, 2004)
Orion's Nebula... found the image on the web and now I can't find the url
53 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Aug 18, 2009)
I think i came to late to appreciate some of the best talent on this site, there's still aot here but they dont draw as much as they used too.
backmagicwoman (Aug 18, 2009) you're stuck with the likes of me..HAHA!
Wraith (Nov 16, 2011)
So nice, had to comment on this one again.
davincipoppalag (Jul 14, 2021)
I agree...this was an amazing piece
drawn in 2 hours 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (Feb 27, 2004)
Bill Murray toon..keep in mind this is a younger Bill
34 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Aug 23, 2008)
This is great i love characatures, heres a few i came across the other day. link
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 17, 2010)
great characture,but I think it looks too much like him.(???) Makes him look good,does he look that good?too handsome,otherwise, very good.
seven (Jun 16, 2012)
Charming style! You made him more fun than he already is ;)
davincipoppalag (Aug 24, 2020)
It's Mr. Bill
drawn in 2 hours 7 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
EverDream (Feb 24, 2004)
.....just as the title says,
I've taken the liberty of drawing another (and better) Seph. pic.
And just to let you all know...I won't be doing any more FF fanarts for a while. Too much of it kills the theme you know? Any way. Enjoy!
-heehee- gotta love those flames huh? :D
43 comments – latest 4:
beth92093 (Oct 10, 2006)
lol this is so kool
tyler_da_bomb2 (May 12, 2007)
this is awsome

sonzai (Dec 22, 2007)
lol sephiroth is so great
davincipoppalag (May 13, 2019)
Steph did good pics
drawn in 5 hours 6 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
  displaying 61-63 of 63 — pages:   ← previous1234567