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Public Boards/Intermediate 
mazi (May 21, 2003)
spike from buffy the vampire slayer, billy idol style..XD i figured i'd do a buffy one since the series is over.. *sniff*

c&c away. nitpick me to death, come on. bring it.

[edit: for some reason the spot in front of his face didnt save right... O.o;;]
9 comments – latest 4:
Einz (edited May 23, 2003)
very nice

Xodiak (edited May 23, 2003)
wow I really love this drawing of yours Mazi! really beautiful! what a handsome man! awesome artwork! *stalks you, stalks you* >:)
concannon (edited May 25, 2003)
The upper lip is the only thing that seems off. Everything else is great. Spike's so hot......<<....>>...*glomps Spike and runs off with 'im*
Krystiana (Mar 3, 2004)
I don't know WHY I never found this, considering how much Spike rocks.
And you don't need the trenchcoat in this pic, considering this is right before he gets it. :)
drawn in 2 hours 52 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
rydicanubis (May 20, 2003)
4 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (edited May 20, 2003)
Mmmmmm, Looks tasty! Nice pic rydi
Zinc (edited May 20, 2003)
I keep chuckling at this drawing for some reason. It's probably because of the expression on the dude's face. I like it...
OneWingedMoo9se (edited May 20, 2003)
Nice style. Arrg I don't want the big scary furry aminimal to eat the cute insect like thing.
Why did I say aminimal? Heh, animal*
rydicanubis (edited May 20, 2003)
hehe, it's actually a little stick-person, and i don't think he wants to be eaten either...
drawn in 16 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Porcelain (May 19, 2003)
Hope you understand the title.
9 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (edited May 20, 2003)
Ooo, thats really good, nice pic.
Mnemosyne (edited May 20, 2003)
ha. wow. This is great. How come I've never seen you draw before? *accuses* I bet you were hiding ON PURPOSE! I love your style, it's so pretty, it reminds me of something and I can't remeber what. I want to say Paradise Kiss, but that's not it, but maybe it is and I just don't remember. GAhh! I'm confusing myself.
Minitsaru (edited May 20, 2003)
hehe i get the title =P this pic is cool! very soft..... wait no.... ummm i dunno its great tho =P
concannon (edited May 23, 2003)
Niftyness. Love the color scheme (...^^). Her eyes are pretty.
drawn in 49 min with PaintBBS
rydicanubis (May 18, 2003)
slightly inspired by vague impressions of resident evil
i did another picture similar to this a while ago but i accidentally pushed the "back" button and lost it
i've been wanting to recreate it ever since...
3 comments – latest 3:
Kazukie (edited May 19, 2003)
Gross! I like his claw's.. His expression is kinda weird though, he looks like he's yawning, not like he's scared or anything..
Knockoff (edited May 19, 2003)
Thats cool. Nice pic, I like the BG.
rydicanubis (edited May 19, 2003)
thenks, i always love C&C
and kazukie, he's kinda like staring numbly, mouth dropping open in preperation for screaming...
or something like that....
drawn in 1 hour 51 min with OekakiBBS
Darksun (May 16, 2003)
done! I like it, but the lines didn't turn out too well, and the shading is kinda chunky in places...
26 comments – latest 4:
cheetos (Jan 24, 2005)
Wow he's funkey looking. Sweet.
sephiroth54321 (Jun 21, 2005)
sketcher2005 (Sep 17, 2005)
that is a nice effect u gave him, 10/10, really good keep up the good work
WeaponsMan (Jun 10, 2008)
Very dynamic. I like the frenzied look on his face and the extreme perspective :D
drawn in 3 hours 54 min with PaintBBS
mazi (May 15, 2003)
oooh shiney. heh. well its not like i want it.. i might work some more on it later but right now im gettin tired of messing around with it.

guess which guy was 5th in line for the first public showing of the matrix in north america..?

this guy. ..or girl.. but it doesnt sound as cool..

[edit] yeah i really dont like how the hand looks but its not cooperating with me... so oh well.. btw, i demand you all go on chat more often. me and mnemosyne have decided to start a 2draw chat trend. *nods* go. be merry.
17 comments – latest 4:
Spudz (edited Jul 6, 2003)
I LOVED THE MOVIE!!!...this is pic ROX
amuy (Aug 31, 2003)
Ah! its so realisitic! Trinitys so cool :) You did an awesome job on the body/proportions etc ..shiny cool neat at aw! the explosion is coolios too!!! *drool*
mikhail (Nov 26, 2003)
kicks a lot of ass... rlly
Harlie_Mcallister (Apr 16, 2004)
trinity rules man!
drawn in 1 hour 2 min with PaintBBS
rydicanubis (May 5, 2003)
damn edit combined my layers so i had to change my plans
ah, improvisional sketchy skills how we abhore thee...
anyways, here's the finished product....
5 comments – latest 4:
Doodlibop (edited May 6, 2003)
I just saw all of your other works (including this one) and I've come to the conclusion that; your shading is incredible; your line art is unique and you don't need anime; and that
rydicanubis (edited May 6, 2003)
thenks doodlibop, you give me happy
and i should probably change my profile, i've completely ignored any anime effort so i shouldn't even pretend i'm tryin' to learn how to do it....heheh
Turtlebuster (edited May 6, 2003)
yay for you rydi!
you see? you don't need anime to be cool!
*shakes finger at all the crazy anime wierdos*
i'd better be careful..... 0_O'
RazorClaw (edited May 8, 2003)
Thats the kind of art you pay for right? ;)
drawn in 56 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
rydicanubis (Apr 27, 2003)
a follow-up to my previous pic....
5 comments – latest 4:
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 27, 2003)
Stupid Cat. (hopes it is indeed a cat)
forgotten-memory (edited Apr 27, 2003)
*pouts* poor kitty...
rydicanubis (edited Apr 27, 2003)
it is indeed a cat, and don't feel too bad for him. he was previously warned by the laughing individual on the left specifically NOT to light his tail on fire...
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 28, 2003)
I don't feel bad for him. He clearly can't stnd the pain and thus does not deserve to have random body parts lit on fire.
drawn in 25 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
rydicanubis (Apr 13, 2003)
he doesn't look so hot, in fact, he looks like he's gonna pop...
outa tha way!!!
7 comments – latest 4:
rydicanubis (edited Apr 13, 2003)
Knockoff (edited Apr 13, 2003)
This is very neat, I agree with forgotten-memory and kazukie that it reminds me of ren.
Kazukie (edited Apr 13, 2003)
It mostly reminds me of that whole gross, rub a cheese grinder on your arm sort of thing. *Remembers that from an episode*
forgotten-memory (edited Apr 13, 2003)
Oh dear Lord, Marcello...I didn't need to read that....*shudders* now whenever I look at it I'm going to see breasts... think ren, think ren...
drawn in 13 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
rydicanubis (Apr 11, 2003)
malic roo and his spoot the platypus
5 comments – latest 4:
rydicanubis (edited Apr 11, 2003)
hey ya, it occurs to me, i always wanted to know how on earth other people were doing their drawings when i first started out here. maybe i can help some newbies now, so they can be excellent 2draw-ers way faster than my excrutiating trial and error method. here we go:
this is for oekaki. first i make 2 more layers so there's 3 in total. to do this go to the square icon on the high left and click on the little page symbol. next select the top layer, then ia start sketchin' on it. i use freehand pencil in any color, but i'm sure paint brush or spray can would be fine too. when you're done the sketch, select the middle layer. start coloring. i generally use spray can, then do highlights with other colors or the lightening and darkening tools (pinching hand and small black circle icons). once you've colored you're main sketch, select the bottom layer. do your background, go crazy, or whatever. you're done now... submit and admire ^_~
i hope this helps, if not, ignore my inane ramblings...
Nanibunny (edited Apr 11, 2003)
ah! thats helpful .. . .^.^ . .. well. .it would have been if i had seen it like 3 weeks ago! grrr. . .. i just figured it out today.. hehe. .. yeah its taken me this long to figure out what all the buttons do. .. .yeah i feel pretty stupid. .. oh well.. . its good to know how you do stuff.. . still helps me a bit ^.^
. . by the way i love the bunny, hehe he's awesome
Tesia-chan (edited Apr 11, 2003)
Wow. Is that ever cool. Stoner stuff is always great.
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 12, 2003)
That rabbit has got to be the god Damn best thing I have ever seen in my life. Ever. Ever! (Excluding of course, the monsters that chase your nightmares when you stay up very, very late watching Sailor Moon re-runs.) (If that is not the most annoying show in existence I will shoot myself)
drawn in 38 min with OekakiBBS
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