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Realname: Lina

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Profile comment:
o__o Hello. *points at self* I am Lina- a somewhat obsessive fangirl/artist.

I prefer manga over anime (Death Note, FAKE, BLAME!), water over pop, and pretzels over pocky (my only weakness is Almond Crush).

You could say I'm a generic kind of strange: I don't sleep well. I have sadistic tendencies. And guy smex makes me very happy. As does my tablet, a glass of orange juice a day, Frou Frou, and various other bands like Weezer, Nazareth, Annihilator and Muse. I'm something of an eighties-rock freak but will listen to pretty much anything apart from hiphop/rap and punk rock. *shudder*

'm currently reading: Zombie Powder
'm currently thinking about: Raito and L. (andtheiromgangstylove XD)
'm currently feeling: Pain. Neck hurts from doodling too much on my new tablet. -_-;
'm currently listening to: Korn- Make Me Bad
'm currently wishing: for some LxR crackfics. I miss crackfics. >_>

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