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Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Violette and camadeon (Oct 26, 2008)

Oh, thanks.
Does anyone want to join? :>
7 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Oct 29, 2008)
Yea, I just signed in on this fuck'n page because that son of a bitch'n late night show went to another cock suckin commercial. SON OF A BITCH!
camadeon (Oct 30, 2008)
yaaay, another who hates commercials! :D *hallelujah*
camadeon (Nov 1, 2008)
drawn in 33 min
Violette (Nov 1, 2008)
That's so cute. :)
drawn in 1 hour 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
camadeon and Rashinal (Jul 27, 2008)
What's up....
edit: lol, 5 hours.... well, that's with the previous drawing....
If no one wants to color this then it will stay uncolored.
6 comments – latest 4:
Rashinal (Oct 18, 2008)
Rashinal (Oct 18, 2008)
drawn in 1 hour 4 min
Dear heavens it takes a long time to color.
I'm about to leave to go to somebodys house soon. :)
Rashinal (edited Oct 19, 2008)
drawn in 2 hours 10 min
Okay, i added a few lines, but I'll erase them. LOL.[maybe]
Rashinal (Oct 21, 2008)
drawn in 36 min
ALMOST DONE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
drawn in 9 hours 51 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
camadeon, deathking, and xswirvex (Aug 10, 2008)
Soo... someone wanna collab? Then draw a person, just someone from your imagination.... who wants to be pretty.... lol.^^
And it MUST be in the same perspective as you see mine.
Two people can join ^^ ...and it's a plus if you're good with lineart... ^^
And everything shall be in color. I'm not done with my lineart yet so... I'll color it later.
I hope someone is interested?
Oh, and you don't have to draw with the same style as me....^^ just the same perspective....
5 comments – latest 4:
camadeon (Aug 13, 2008)
drawn in 18 min
just messing with tha colors
deathking (Aug 15, 2008)
drawn in 42 min
munkluvin0915 (Aug 15, 2008)
awesome collab. i like the whole bird eye view thing.
bette_davis_eyes (Aug 16, 2008)
very well done you guys! love the perspective :)
drawn in 5 hours 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
ilovedrawing and camadeon (Jul 30, 2008)
anyone want to help with shading, color, and the features?
7 comments – latest 4:
ilovedrawing (Aug 5, 2008)
drawn in 2 min
Okay, I added my signature :] now add yours!
AHHH It's so great!
camadeon (Aug 6, 2008)
drawn in 2 min
my signature ^^
ilovedrawing (Aug 6, 2008)
well then! i guess its finished, I'll make it as finished :]
ilovedrawing (Aug 6, 2008)
drawn in 1 min
We finally finished it!
I LOVE the outcome! :]
drawn in 2 hours 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
vlad.the.hamster and camadeon (Jan 19, 2008)
came out as an accident... if you want to finish it... go ahead and ask.
6 comments – latest 4:
vlad.the.hamster (Jan 29, 2008)
drawn in 31 min
bahbahbah... *being emo*
Cameo (Sep 1, 2008)
xsi639 (Jun 22, 2009)
thw first saves he looks like Alucard(hellsing)...but camadeon made him look like vincent FF^__^...GOOD WORK!!
Userseef (Jul 31, 2009)
Fantastic. And nice mix of colors. And moreover, I like this character.
drawn in 2 hours 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
deathking, camadeon, and Hokori (Nov 24, 2007)
Draw a naruto character (it can be naruto) and a fruit (it cant be a watermelon.
9 comments – latest 4:
_Fullmetal_ (Mar 15, 2008)
Is this open still? I want to add someone ^_^; If its cool with you guys!
deathking (Mar 15, 2008)
its cool with me and their opinion doesnt count. ure added
ichigokurosaki (Jul 27, 2008)
shinigami-black (Jul 28, 2008)
wow-if this is still open add me plz ^^
drawn in 2 hours 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
camadeon and wishuponyou (Nov 18, 2007)
You can continue doing something..... whatever you like...
just say "I want" and I'll add you.
9 comments – latest 4:
camadeon (Dec 3, 2007)
drawn in 10 min
wow, I think I've been eating too much candy...
wishuponyou (Dec 3, 2007)
hehe thanks
this is turning so unserious lol
camadeon (edited Dec 4, 2007)
an unexpected twist...
Animattronic (Dec 8, 2007)
I want
drawn in 1 hour 18 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
camadeon and lori (Nov 16, 2007)
SOmeone wanna color this?
12 comments – latest 4:
lori (edited Nov 17, 2007)
that looks good
ya can't add much or it'll totally ruin the foreground
I like it as is ;)
I wondered whether or not to color the cats, but figured that might take away from the pic also(little siamese cats might be cute though, but I don't know)
camadeon (edited Nov 18, 2007)
drawn in 10 min
I spammed the image with cats! Muaahahahahahahhahahahahahahah....
lori (Nov 18, 2007)
that was a perfect idea :) and you draw such adorable looking cats <3
camadeon (Nov 18, 2007)
thanks ^^
drawn in 1 hour 34 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Nostalgic and camadeon (Nov 10, 2007)
Lines are done... I can start adding now. =] Anyone want to colour?
2 comments – latest 3:
Sweetcell (Nov 11, 2007)
You can't flip an image in Lascaux I'm afraid.
camadeon (Nov 16, 2007)
I wanna color.... ^^
camadeon (Nov 19, 2007)
drawn in 1 hour 8 min
I'm finished... ^^
drawn in 3 hours 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Twister and camadeon (Jul 23, 2007)
Hello! Well, I'm not exactly new to the 2Draw Boards, but I hadn't been here in many years, though, I think it's the first time I post on the Collab Board. Well, here's a Xigbar, hah, I tend to draw the organization members in fancy clothing for some reason (I'm a fashion designer by the way). Well, I hope you like it! Is someone interested in coloring?
4 comments – latest 4:
camadeon (Jul 25, 2007)
drawn in 6 min
Didn't know what color you wanted him to have on his t-shirt, so I just took the symbol color and then choosed a color to mach up with that one.
OOOH! I just noticed something O_o.... just gotta fix that.... *coloring issue*
camadeon (Jul 25, 2007)
drawn in 2 min
oh, well... hope you like it. :D
Twister (Jul 25, 2007)
I think the colors look good! Yay! thnx for coloring!
camadeon (Jul 27, 2007)
No prob! :) It was fun.
drawn in 2 hours 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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