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Public Boards/Beginner 
Tiarana (Jan 5, 2003)
Look, that vile Shiek made me join, so I drew something. First oekaki ever... and, it is bad. o_O An illustration for the poem about Pete the squirrel that I am not putting here. o_O
4 comments – latest 4:
Shiek (edited Jan 5, 2003)
Vile schnmile. o_O I'll have you know that vile backwards is ... eliv? No wait, that doesn't make sense. Oh well. And if you won't post it, I will. *insidious music plays*
Fin_beast (edited Jan 5, 2003)
cherikit-chan (edited Jan 6, 2003)
Hey, that kinda looks like a duck if you look at it from a different angle... duck,squirrel,duck,squirrel...
jord (edited Jan 6, 2003)
is looks like a constructivistic painting by Lissitzki from 1920 (don't know the title in englisch)...but that's bizarr!
drawn in 41 min with OekakiBBS
Mog2.0 (Dec 20, 2002)
Uhhh...... whaduya think?
3 comments – latest 3:
rydicanubis (edited Dec 20, 2002)
vera nice!
cute anime style... welcome and please draw more!!!
_Sakura_ (edited Dec 21, 2002)
awwww so kool! i love anime/manga! keep up the good work!
Shiek (edited Dec 22, 2002)
Awww, 'e's got an asparagus for a head! ^^
drawn in 16 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Fin_beast (Dec 19, 2002)
This is quite a weird picture that i drew. I wanted to test layers. I was trying to draw a parrot but it kinda changed! lol
2 comments – latest 2:
Shiek (edited Dec 20, 2002)
So I guess you figured out how to use layers?
Fin_beast (edited Dec 20, 2002)
not really i just click any buttons! lol!
drawn in 22 min with OekakiBBS
Fin_beast (Dec 18, 2002)
Santa Santa Sant Santa Ta Ta San Santa Sant a! Do you agree?
3 comments – latest 3:
Shiek (edited Dec 19, 2002)
Of course.
Bornemix (edited Dec 20, 2002)
hehe. talk about aggressive
marcello (edited Dec 20, 2002)
As I said before, please take your quarrelling to email or I will start blocking accounts.
drawn in 39 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Fin_beast (Dec 17, 2002)
Guess what this is and i will give you some........ehh......a badge!
3 comments – latest 3:
Shiek (edited Dec 18, 2002)
It looks like a zit.
Fin_beast (edited Dec 18, 2002)
YEY! lol! Now i can draw zits!!!!
furyofroy (edited Dec 18, 2002)
drawn in 7 min with OekakiBBS
Shiek (Nov 9, 2002)
TaiBor lives on a planet where the grass is blue and the sky is orange. The clouds there are purple because of a bizzarre pie-factory accident. The sun's green, but not as green as TaiBor. TaiBor has purple eyes, but not because of a pie-factory. ((o_O; Strange things happen when the imagination is allowed to wander.))
2 comments – latest 2:
Tamayo (edited Dec 17, 2002)
^_^ Niftyful, my friend!
Shiek (edited Dec 17, 2002)
Why thank you. Drawn anything yet?
drawn in 1 hour 35 min with OekakiBBS
Shiek (Nov 23, 2002)
The mysterious mountain bean, finally caught on film! This is a rare glimpse into this secretive animal's life indeed.
2 comments – latest 2:
Fin_beast (edited Dec 14, 2002)
LOL! Love random!
Shiek (edited Dec 17, 2002)
Random is my middle name. =p
drawn in 55 min with OekakiBBS
Fin_beast (Dec 12, 2002)
Just started as a bird and then i kinda smudged it. looks ok
4 comments – latest 4:
mazzy (edited Dec 12, 2002)
i like it. it looks like a unicorn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shiek (edited Dec 12, 2002)
Hmm, know what? If you look at it a certain way, it looks like a hippogriff rearing up at you.
Fin_beast (edited Dec 15, 2002)
Yes that was my plan. i was just seeing if yall would notice!
_Sakura_ (edited Dec 21, 2002)
looks kool! it looks like a flying white horse trying to take on revenge...
drawn in 7 min with OekakiBBS
SgtPancakes (Dec 10, 2002)
testing. kinda like it.
2 comments – latest 2:
Shiek (edited Dec 11, 2002)
Fire... bad? What're you talking about, boy!? Fire is goooood, damnit! @_@
SgtPancakes (edited Dec 11, 2002)
Of course it's good! However, it is not always best when directly on your head. This man deep in thought, slowly understanding the concept of this.
drawn in 57 min with PaintBBS
Shiek (Nov 20, 2002)
Still not finished. I need to decide on a background, maybe try some shading. I was debating whether or not to change the colors to yellow and green, haven't come to a decision on that yet.
3 comments – latest 3:
marcello (edited Nov 21, 2002)
Ya it's cool, dunno about cute ;)
finish it!
Shiek (edited Nov 22, 2002)
-_- The animation's fooked up, I can't continue drawing.
_Sakura_ (edited Dec 21, 2002)
awwwww its sooo cute!
drawn in 2 hours 38 min with OekakiBBS
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