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Public Boards/Intermediate 
concannon (Sep 1, 2003)
Well, I was gonna stick it on beginner, but I can't. So I'll currently proclaim it unfished and will color it.
2 comments – latest 3:
Nanashi (Sep 1, 2003)
OMG!! Thats awsome!! I looove the shape of the feet and body! The expression is to die for!! ^v^ So cute! yeah definately intermediate work once its done im sure! Good luck with it! *goes back to wandering the boards*
concannon (Sep 3, 2003)
drawn in 22 min
Messy coloring. >__o
Eliafin (Sep 3, 2003)
CUTE!!! *huggles purple thing* Uber funny expression!!
drawn in 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Nanashi (Sep 1, 2003)
*nanashi the wanderer once again, travels to this unknown land known as 2draw. A primitive board, but an oekaki none the less. The lack of palets... the lack of a darkening tool... too intimidating for the Nanashi to stay too long. Soon it will be time to return to the Fernblossom*
10 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (edited Sep 2, 2003)
He looks very pretty, but where is his little pipi... He looks very cute with it showing. >:)
raenboe (Sep 2, 2003)
Well, as for palletes, you can make your own, so there isn't really a lack, unless you're refering to pre-made palettes. Then there aren't any, from what I know. The darkening tools are the burn and dodge tools. I'm not positive as to which one's darken, but one's a lightening tool and one's a darkening tool. I'm pretty sure that burn is lighten, but don't take my word for it. On most it's burn and dodge but on the Paint BBSit's just darken and lighten. Hope this helps!
Nanashi (Sep 3, 2003)
Yeah but not like a watercolor darkening. In the paletted version, the darkening tool darkens the palet, by lowering the colors' numbers to make them darker. it does it automatically instead of mathimatically if that makes any sense x.x
raenboe (Sep 3, 2003)
Yeah. It makes sense. Unfortunately we don't have that here on 2draw. It is still a great place to draw, though! :)
drawn in 18 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
keira-chan (Sep 1, 2003)
Its my purple shoryu, from neopets, named Annaova...>.>;; Tis for the upcomming Pirate Specail at the neopian art gallery...erm...<.<; Yesh ^______^; C&C please?
5 comments – latest 4:
keira-chan (Sep 1, 2003)
Domo arigato gozimashite Knockoff-kun ^_^
Nanashi (Sep 1, 2003)
AAAIIII KAWAII! So cute! Dude thats awasoem! I hopeyou make it to the gallery! I loooove neopets! Roen_dragon_summoner is my account ^^;;
raenboe (Sep 1, 2003)
Awww. Shoyrus are kawaii! I especially love the little sparkles in this pic. Great job! Nice shading as well....
cherikit-chan (Sep 4, 2003)
you keep getting better and better every time... *looks at own pitiful work and begans to cry* why couldn't it have been me!why?! okay... I'll stop that now...
drawn in 5 hours 47 min with PaintBBS