I think this is great .. the feathers are fantastic and so is the eye. It's very, very close to the ref pic, and it looks advanced to me .. but what do I know? :| I'm just keeping my ass in beginners where I know I belong :P
Thanks 4 the comments guys... ~.~ I know that I need to improve my work... It was fun draw that and I just wanted to u guys feel the same seeing that drawing as I feelt drawing it.
That is not my very best and because of that I will keep going in hunt of it... -.- I will be more modest next time.
Well, it's a hell of a lot better than some crap in Advanced lately (from no0bs) Just a bit more work and I think this fits fine here in Advanced. But if you need to get the hang of the tools and appelets Beginners is recommended. Though you have the talent that's for sure. Welcome, and keep it up.
drawn in 14 min
drawn in 34 min
drawn in 35 min
drawn in 24 min
drawn in 23 min
drawn in 32 min
drawn in 8 min
drawn in 43 min
drawn in 12 min
drawn in 5 min
I love those feathers in the bottom right corner, awesome
That is not my very best and because of that I will keep going in hunt of it... -.- I will be more modest next time.