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drawn in 43 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Silvair (Jul 9, 2008)
no references.. but I probably should have used one.
this is a male btw.
Silvair (Jul 9, 2008)
drawn in 43 min
mooki (Jul 9, 2008)
i can tell its a boy, also i think you did just fine without a ref.
davincipoppalag (Jul 9, 2008)
Mook is right, I think so too
FreakyA (Jul 9, 2008)
i agree with davinci who agrees with mooki...i can tell this is a dude, and u didn't need a ref pic...awesome job!
Sweetcell (Jul 10, 2008)
Silv, you've got to get out of beginners, you know your better than that. Especially lately with the scribbles people have been doing. This proves that.
SaiWataki (Jul 10, 2008)
woah, nice, i like the yellow the goes across his face :3
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