wow this is nice! I love both versions but version 1 just has something a little extra special about it .. maybe it's the lighting ..but either way it's beautiful :)
Well i find it gorgeous! You know there is different finishes ;) i find that art is in some way is can keep on going changing things and trying to improve it and it will never be finished to you! I don't know, i think this can count as finished art to me! it is very beautiful :)
And this is my second favourite work )
Love the lightning, face is better here, but the first sketch was the best in the other parts of body (agree to Roytje).
drawn in 2 hours 30 min
drawn in 1 hour 21 min
drawn in 41 sec
Love the lightning, face is better here, but the first sketch was the best in the other parts of body (agree to Roytje).