I've always seen him on the chans. I can't say for sure who he is because I came to the chans late but I know he was made as a meme. Doesn't he have to deal with CP? Thanks Mooki. Been finding myself going to 7chan a lot. For some reason I've been accidentally banned at 4ailchan, but that place is a cancer now anyway.
7chan is the aids hole, he is the cock mongler.
he doesnt really have anything to do with cp im pretty sure, but im glad you atleast have a hint of an idear.
shoop da woop sweetcell, shoop da whoop.
Well I can't claim to know most things going on over there (specially the language) but I've commented quite a lot, shared some files and even fillled a few 34's. But yeah they can be assholes, but 4ailchan's worse I think.
drawn in 1 hour 2 min
I do not know what this is....:(
you're fun Mooki..
wow, that musta been a trip everyday.
Imma chagin up mah lazors.
he doesnt really have anything to do with cp im pretty sure, but im glad you atleast have a hint of an idear.
shoop da woop sweetcell, shoop da whoop.
In before b&. ;)