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drawn in 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (Jan 31, 2008)
Do any of you know what this is? If not, unfortunately you will soon.
Axil62 (Jan 31, 2008)
drawn in 22 min
lori (Jan 31, 2008)
wtf is it? some kinda paraphernalia or however you spell that... or weird contraceptives and how will I know?
Axil62 (edited Jan 31, 2008)
RFID. Radio Frequency Identification. It's implanted under your skin. That's a grain of rice on the right to show size.
lori (Jan 31, 2008)
I semi wondered that too... well no one's plantin that crap under my skin
Axil62 (Jan 31, 2008)
see that they don't.
marcello (Jan 31, 2008)
hah. don't worry, that's old technology. you probably want to more worried about inhaling some of these:
lori (Jan 31, 2008)
I know they put some sort of chips in alot of animals to track them... if I want my whereabouts known I'll just get an ipod or a cellphone.
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