forumsdrawing discussionjava error script
Sweetcell (Dec 30, 2007)
Please tell me what this means.

Access denied ( permission connect, resolve)

I get it everytime I try to submit a picture, not only here but other places. I wasn't worried at first but now I get that error here and it's driving me mad not being able to submit. Yes, I get it from Firefox too. Seems I can't draw at all anymore.

And yesterday I was having other problems. Whenever I tired to draw here and elsewhere, when I clicked on a draw appelet it booted me off the net. I did a system restore and that seemed to help but I still get an access denied. HALP!
davincipoppalag (Dec 30, 2007)
You need "Celloman"!!!! Did you clear your cache and then uninstall and reinstall java?
Sweetcell (Dec 30, 2007)
Done and done and done. And done. It started a month ago so I dunno
davincipoppalag (Dec 30, 2007)
Have you tried cursing at it loudly and stomping your foot??
Sweetcell (Dec 30, 2007)
And hitting the side, yes. Fortunately nada.
cyclops (Dec 30, 2007)
i get that too, it is only this site for me, in shi painter...
Dr.Moony (Dec 31, 2007)
I had the same problem. Reinstalling Firefox fixed it.
marcello (Dec 31, 2007)
I'm not sure what's causing that problem. I've never seen it myself. if it happens on sites besides 2draw that means it's not my fault, though. if that is the case (and I won't rule out that it's a problem with the new server) maybe it's a bug in a particular version of java.

sweetcell: what other places are giving you this problem?
lori (edited Dec 31, 2007)
yeah, I installed firefox on the cheap pc this morning and when I drew picture, it couldn't submit for whatever reason :(
sweetcell, you play alot games right? my son too... seems every time he does, another error of sorts comes up on the computer.. be careful with those ok?
Sweetcell (edited Dec 31, 2007)
A lot of oekaki places. Including doodledraw and Fearsome.

Hmmm, I never thought it might be the flash games I play. Would piss me off because I love online games. Especially point and click games where you use your noggin to work out puzzles.

I'll try reinstalling Firefox, but I get it from both engines.

It's official, I can't download any picture from Explorer or Firefox, I get the same damn message. What's going on?
DoOp (Jan 1, 2008)
o__o weird, this error only happens on 2draw for me sweetcell

and what's weirder and that sometimes the error doesn't appear *__*

but that was only one day so far for me ^^;
marcello (Jan 1, 2008)
does the problem only happen on lascaux sketch?
what is the error you see on doodledraw?
Sweetcell (Jan 1, 2008)
I thought it was on paint bbs I was getting that error, but nope.

After I draw a picture and press send or upload it tells me it's sending and to wait, then suddenly that error comes up in a box. It tells me to try sending again, I click ok and the same damn box comes up. The numbers may vary but it's the same message:

Access denied ( permission connect, resolve)

In the end if I want to save it I have to screen save it. That's all I do now since I get that error message on all the Oekaki sites. I'm quite pissed off about it.

We recently (4 months ago) changed our Internet provider, long shot but could there be an incompatibility?
marcello (Jan 1, 2008)
I made some changes to lascaux sketch, let me know if it makes a difference.
cyclops (Jan 3, 2008)
error still happens in shi painter.....on this site only
marcello (Jan 3, 2008)
I don't have much control over shi painter... what is the exact error on shi painter?
Sweetcell (edited Jan 3, 2008)
Well, it worked for Lascaux, I'm going to try Shi, I think it's those programs that's the problem.

Ok, it's official. It's Shi and BBS itself. I just tried sending a fast picture I did in Shi and the same damn message popped up, different numbers but the same message about access denied java yaddadda daddada. I am officially pissed.

Java error Marcello? I don't mind that I have to use Lascaux here, but on other Oekaki's they don't have it. *sobsob*
cyclops (edited Jan 3, 2008)
shi painter
marcello (Jan 3, 2008)
I mean, I know what the literal problem is: It's a security error. A java applet can only open network connections (IE send images) to the same textual server, while is the same server as, it's not textually the same. The question is, why does Java turn into the other name and thus get a security error. That leads me to believe it is either an error in Java, or an error in how the new 2draw server is set up (it might be related to us using instead of now). My modification to Lascaux Sketch (if that indeed has fixed the problem) was in how it figures out the server to send to, so if that indeed fixes it, it would sort of make sense (and also lead me ot believe there is a bug in Java).

Sweetcell: does it work on any other site, or no other sites? Can you give me specific links to sites it does or does not work on?
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