boardsbeginnerso I was getting my nails done
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drawn in 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
lori (Dec 11, 2007)
my dumb nails yeah...
and the guy goes... "When will you get Mallied Loli"?
I don't want to, because I want to be there for my family. My best friends.
lori (Dec 11, 2007)
drawn in 5 min
Sweetcell (Dec 12, 2007)
What, may I ask, is a Mallied Loli? Sounds like an ailment.
lori (Dec 12, 2007)
When are you getting married Lori?
Sweetcell (Dec 12, 2007)
Ohhh, accent then.

Dontcha hate nosy questions from strangers who think they have a right to snoop? Next time someone asks you that, ask them when they're going to die, see how quick they drop the subject. XDDDDDDDD
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