Bara_no_Hanayome (Sep 12, 2003)
Randomly narcissistic inspiration, I guess. I just felt like doing an "anime" style self portrait for some reason. This seemed like a good medium for it. I'm getting better with the mouse, only three drawings in. Impressive, given how slow I usually am to adapt to a new medium.I only used three colors--black, white, and green--to keep the drawing simple. In hindsight, that probably wasn't too good of an idea. But, anyways, I like it. Not as much as I probably should, but I have a habit of nitpicking my work in my head no matter how bad or good it is. Of course, this is a rather (un)flattering self portrait, so I'm probably biased. XD Thanks be to 3wk.com online radio, because nothing makes me want to scribble like good music.
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